Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Tetrarchs rantings-

The Great Jedi War is entering it's final stages.

We only have a few more weeks to go. I am

working on a poem and the Evil Mastermind at

the moment.

On to the news...


Welcome Kir Katarn to the phyle. He joined up

this week and has jumped right in. Way to go


He has all of his phase 2 entries finished and

even passed the Krath Core this week.

Where are your entries?

Other news-

GJW nuff said there.


Kir Katarn joined this week :)

Final thoughts-

We need to up our participation to the phase 2

events. I sent in a 13 page story and a cheesy

graphic. I will be making a cheesy poem to

submit and an evil mastermind as well. Just do

something. it might be cheesy but hey at least

you try.

Also The second gulf war has begun, my

thoughts go out to all the fighting men and

women on both sides. I was a participant in the

first Gulf War and I know what you are going into.

May God look after you all,

JH Blade(Krath)Tet/Ektrosis of Taldryan

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