Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Undertow Sergeant Report


Kuro and Sirik received a well-earned promotion to PRT, we also lost LilHawke and Vally to an AWOL vote. Right now the Team participation is up due to the loss of two inactive members, DD is on a LoA, and I received word from Ryell about joining the fight in the GJW, we will be at the highest participation that I have seen in a long while, not counting DD, due to his injury, were at 4/5 participation! Exultant! Keep it up Undertow! The DGM has been HCIed, how this will effect on the GJW is still undetermined.

Activity report

Sergeant Tatsu: Active on IRC, 1st in the house comp, Active GJW

Trooper Ryell Zoith: Reported in

Trooper Deathdealer: On LoA

Trooper LilHawke: AWOLED

Trooper Vally Tamalar: AWOLED

Trooper Kuro: Active GJW, Active IRC, 2ed in house comp, Prompted to PRT

Trooper Sirik Xirok: Active GJW, active IRC, 3ed in house comp, Promoted to PRT

Note: If there's something I missed tell me.


Obelisk Sergeant Tatsu

Obelisk Trooper Ryell Zoith

Obelisk Trooper Deathdealer

Obelisk Trooper Kuro

Obelisk Trooper Sirik Xirok

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