Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Delphian Squadron Report #3 - 03/22/2003

Welcome to my 3rd Delphian Squadron Report. This should be my fifth report, but my bad memory caused me to miss a couple. And it doesn't help much when your roommates throw away the post-it notes you leave around the computer as reminders. :) But I digress. The past two weeks have been filled with the GJW. Between the wargame, graphics, battle plan, evil mastermind, and screen shot comps, we've been pretty busy. With that said, onto the report.

Squadron News:

-Our glorious QUA, SBL Pyralis, has been named the new Headmaster of the Shadow Academy. Congrats to him on his new post and his promotion to Sith Warlord!

-Two promotions have been awarded in the past 2 weeks: Congrats to DJK TK-2107 and DJK Cray Mikalen.

-GRD Josh Popelka was awarded a Dark Cross. Congrats Josh!

-Delphian has received several new pilots due to DDD being closed. Everyone please extend an offical squadron report welcome to: DJK Vessicant, PRT Ashmaster, GRD Josh Popelka, JH Liara, and GRD Draco Caanis.

-This is the LAST WEEK of the Great Jedi War!!! Everyone needs to do their absolute best to get in submissions for all categories. The DGM has still not released the results of Turn 6, so the wargame seems to be on hold for now. Hopefully turn 7 will begin soon. Stand by for SP missions to fly at a moment's notice!

Current Events and Orders:

-Priority One is participation in the GJW. Note that I said participation. Fly MP, fly SP, submit graphics, participate in the battle plan, screenshot, or evil mastermind design comps. Participation is our primary goal. So even if you think you stink at a certain event, take this opportunity to practice and submit anyways. Every point helps!

-Aleema's AED is sponsoring a clan wide comp entitled Interim Comp 3. The comp ends on March 30. This is primarily for fun, and I highly encourage everyone to participate. Here is the basic idea behind the comp: An individual of your choice is at your mercy and powerless!! Their behavior during the GJW has been reprehensible and you have been selected to torture them – how you gonna do it? It's a short writing comp. Grammar doesn't matter, and you're allowed to be "inventive." I'll include full details in a seperate mail. Be sure to send submissions to KP Dalthid ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and CC Rein ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

-Always remember my #1 standing order: HAVE FUN! If you're not having fun, you will have your forearm skin stripped off to the elbow like pieces of string cheese, unto death! :) But seriously, if you don't feel like you're enjoying yourself, please contact me ASAP. It's my job to make sure you're all having fun, so tell me if you're not and I'll see if we can work out a solution to whatever the problem may be. I can't solve the problem if I don't know about it.

Weekly Activity Report:

-CMDR/DJK Cray Mikalen:

CMDR Duties

Maintained Delphian Website

Submitted XWA-Free 43 for Wargame SP Turn 3

Submitted XWA-Free 34 for Wargame SP Turn 4

Promoted to Dark Jedi Knight

Submitted XWA-Free 76 for Wargame SP Turn 6

-FM/DJK TK-2107:

Email Contact

Flew TIE-F 149, XvT-F 105, XWA-F 47 for Turn 2, and XvT-F 147 and XWA-F 43 for Turn 3 of the GJW Wargame

Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star for winning Squadron Banner Comp

Flew TIE-F 130 for Turn 3 of the GJW Wargame

Submitted TIE-F 105, 106, XvT-F 57, and XWA-F 34 for GJW Wargame Turn 4

Submitted Screenshots for Screenshot Comp

Submitted TIE-F 104, XvT-F 65, XWA-F 68 for GJW Wargame Turn 5

Submitted TIE-F 145, XvT-F 11, XWA-F 76 for GJW Wargame Turn 6

Promoted to DJK

-FM/SW Blade Kilraven:

Email Contact

Went on leave until March 17th

Returned from leave, Submitted TIE-F 145 for GJW Wargame Turn 6

-FM/SBL Ricardo:

Email Contact

Submitted TIE-F 130 for Turn 3 of GJW Wargame

Submitted Graphic for GJW Phase 2 Graphics Category

Submitted TIE-F 105, 106 for GJW Wargame Turn 4

Submitted TIE-F 104 for GJW Wargame Turn 5

Submitted TIE-F 145 for GJW Wargame Turn 6

-FL/DJK Vessicant:

Assigned to Delphian as FL of Flight 2

Email Contact

Submitted Trivia for GJW Wargame Turn 6

Submitted TIE-F 145 for GJW Wargame Turn 6

-FM/PRT AshMaster:

Assigned to Delphian as FM 2-2

AIM Contact

-FM/GRD Josh Popelka:

Assigned to Delphian as FM 2-3

Email Contact

Flew XWA-Free 43 for turn 3 of the GJW Wargame

Awarded Dark Cross

Submitted TIE-F 145, XWA-F 76 for GJW Wargame Turn 6

-FM/JH Liara:

Assigned to Delphian as FM 2-4

Email, AIM Contact

Semi-leave due to broken joystick

-FL/PRT Luke Morin:

Email Contact

Went on Emergency Leave, Returned on 03-19-2003

-FM/GRD Draco Caanis:

Assigned to Delphian as FM 3-2

AIM Contact

-FM/GRD Rebelkiller:

Email Contact

Flew XvT TC 6 and XvT-F 105

Flew XvT-F 127 for GJW Wargame Turn 3

Flew TIE TC 204

Squadron Roster:

Battleteam Delphian Squadron of Galthain:

House: Galthain


Motto: Strike with darkness; Battle with honor

Order: Sith

Commander: Dark Jedi Knight Cray Mikalen ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Battleteam Roster: 11 Members

1-1: CMDR/DJK Cray Mikalen - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 493

1-2: FM/DJK TK-2107 - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 2027

1-3: FM/SW Blade Kilraven - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 462

1-4: FM/SBL Ricardo - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 172

2-1: FL/DJK Vessicant - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 1316

2-2: FM/PRT AshMaster - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 2434

2-3: FM/GRD Josh Popelka - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 895

2-4: FM/JH Liara - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 99

3-1: FL/PRT Luke Morin - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 2735

3-2: FM/GRD Draco Caanis - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 2282

3-3: FM/GRD Rebelkiller - ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - Profile: 2098

This concludes my report for this week (and last week). :) I just want to say that so far it's been a real pleasure serving with all of you. This is the most fun I've had in the EH in a long time. I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I am. The upcoming week will bring about a lot of changes to the house, especially with Pyralis's departure. However I think these will be positive changes, and I think we'll continue to be the awesome sith house that Pyralis brought to life. Now, this is the last week of the GJW. This is crunch time! This is our time to show the DB what Galthain is all about. We'll have so many submissions that the DC will be complaining that we have TOO MUCH participation. :) I think we can pull it off, but it's up to all of you. Let's light a fire under the clan's collective ass and close out this war with a very big bang! This is for Pyralis, for Galthain, for Satal Keto, and most of all, for us! :)

Respectfully Submitted,

Dark Jedi Knight Cray Mikalen

Commanding Officer, Delphain Squadron, Galthain of Satal Keto


FL/MAJ Cray Mikalen/Falcon 3-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal [CNTR]



Pry/F "Bun-Bun IV"

TC Pin: 3243

DJK Cray Mikalen (Sith)/CMDR/Galthain of Satal Keto



DB Pin: 493</salute>

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