Consul Report


Consul Report


Dark greetings everyone !

Welcome to Clan Report No.15


The last week was crazy, and so are the news.

We have faced a few changes. I want to congratulate the new Dominatus Rollmaster Jeron Darkoins and the new Tetrarch of Praetorious, Corde Aghasett.

Also, I congratulate Brenn Tantor to his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight, a very well deserved one.

But we have also negative news, our Obelisk QUA, Battlemaster Khan, resigned from his position because of problems that he has with me. I respect his oppinion, but I also have to take care that things goes on it’s way. I wish Khan all the best in his future, and that he might return one day.

Applications aren`t taken for the position, a replacement is already choosen by me and will be announced as soon as it is approved.

Also, DJK Brenn Tantor resigned from his position as Tetrarch of Praetorious and stays as Tyro.

Another thing that I want to announce here is the latest promotion of our former Consul, Lord Keiran Idanian has been promoted to the rank of Krath Pontifex by the Grand Master and was awarded a Sapphire Blade.

My congratulations on this Keiran, it was well deserved.

That’s it for the Clan internal news. Lets head for the DB wide ones.

You have noticed for sure that the Great Jedi War came to a stop. This has a reason. Our DGM, who hosts the Competition is being HCI’ed. I currently know about the future of this event as much as you do, nothing, so we just have to wait if or how it goes on. Maybe we can arrange some short Comps for all 3 Houses to run while we are waiting.

Also, a position has be reassigned, the position of the Emissary. What does this mean you might ask, well, he will act as interface between the Clans and the DC. He already is added to the egroups and will give us summit a rating and feedback.

Also, the old Headmaster of the Shadow Academy is replaced by, of course the new one :) bu the new one is SWL Pyralis, so I guess we can expect some changes there too :)

You can reread the news on the DJB site, if you want :)


Great Jedi War – on hold


Roster is currently at 39 and will be down to 38 soon enough :/


House Dominatus got a new website, so I guess you check it out at:

I got the ok to award the medals for the Phase 1 of the GJW and i will also award the ones for the first 5 turns of Phase 2.

So expect lets see what we might get for you :)

I`m really pleased with your performance during the war, we might not have won, but we showed our flag and holded our position. Thanks again to all those who took part and that gave their best.

That’s it so far for this week,

Enjoy your weekend or what is left of it :)


SBM Frey Gallandro (SITH)/CON/Clan Alvaak


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