House Kirleta Report
Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr
First off - my offer my appologise for my stint of absence. Since my Fiances car crash she has been plagued with illness due to stress, shock & whiplash. I have been spending most of my time with her, and have had little time for much else.
Secoundly - i would like to also appologise for the lateness of this report due to the reason above. Right at this moment i have only been in 15 mins.
This weeks report will be short and sweet as i am very run down at the moment and am not feeling 100% myself :P
For all the latest DB News -
Clan CSK Homepage -
GJW Wargame on hold! - Due to DGM Mairins HCI trial, this portion of the GJW is now oh hold until further notice.
Phase 2 - When you submit anything for Phase 2 ( Order specific tasks take presidence here), please remember to CC our RM - DJH Aishea - mailto:[Log in to view e-mail addresses], and also CC, PCON Darkonian - mailto:[Log in to view e-mail addresses], & Epis Kaiann - mailto:[Log in to view e-mail addresses]. This so your results for your participation can be added. If theres anything that you have sent and have not CC'd these people, then please send it to them pronto!!. Remember the deadline for Phase 2 is 30 March, 7 days left guys.
Future Comp - Time allowing, i will be discussing with Dufar the rules of the 2 vs 2 comp. Hopefully these will be done by the weekend, BUT, i feel we will have to get approved pronto :P Remember - don't be shy with comp idea's, either come to me or Waza, or to us both. Either way we'll assist you in getting it off the ground and onto paper to be approved so to speak.
House Activity...
None this week :P
GRD Dufar Jabar - Star of Eos (SE)
PRT Bazookakid - Star of Eos (SE)
SA Courses
GRD Dufar Jabar Completed -
Sith Core
Sith Flight Studies I: ISET
Sith Flight Studies II: ESET
Krath Grammer Studies
Phase 2
None this week
Clan Wide Comp Alert
As stated below :-
Competition #111
Start Date: 2003-3-20
End Date: 2003-3-30
Status: Competition active
Participators: Clan Satal Keto
Awards: Crescents w/
1st - Amethyst Star (Cr-1A)
2nd - Sapphire Star (Cr-1S)
3rd - Emerald Star (Cr-1E)
Description: -=Interim Comp III=-
An individual of your choice is at your mercy and powerless!! Their behavior during the GJW has been reprehensible and you have been selected to torture them how you gonna do it?
Address: http://
Miscellaneous: -Aleema's AED is the lone ALL can participate!
-Be inventive!
-Get medieval!
-Easy on the profanity but it is allowed!
-2 Page Max. Arial or TNF 10-12 pt.
Submit to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] w/ Interim Comp 3 in the subject block
E-mail: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
This comp is called - Interim Comp 3.
Greetings all, once again the Aed report heads your way with some info for all.
First up the focus of the GJW has shifted in CSK we're in this to have fun, being the #1 clan has been slanted in a way as to favor a certain attitude, so we as a clan are going to have more fun than anyone thought this whole thing could be.
We have Dufar rolling in courses the past several weeks I want to give props out to him he is rocking!
I'm in the works of planning a new AED monthly comp anyone have any idea they'd like to see done ? I've had one suggestion of whak-a-mole I think i can find a jk1 level similar to that. I wanna hear what you guys want to do for medals & let see what we can come up with.
on a side note if you see a job in the DB open such as a DC job or a p:somthing you want to apply for please remeber to cc me on it so I know what you guys are up to when somebody asks me how your perfomance is in the house & I dont have to tell them I didnt even know you had applyed, if you dont want to cc me on the app just shoot me a note letting me know what you applied for,
If you havent been by the DB site check out the news page you see the Emissary is working to help the db.
OBM Waza Sunrider
AED of House Kirleta
Hey Hey Hey, heeeere we go again... Another week, lots of activity, yay. Well, but it could be more.
Dufar Jabar - passed Sith Core, Sith ISET, Sith ESET, Krath Grammar (with a score of 100 - now don't claim anymore Obies can't write!) He also wrote a great story, if you haven't read it yet, go do so! He was also present on IRC.
Dufar, go do the Mastermind description, I'm sure you'd do great - and make a Krath clone! Please? ;-)
Kairus - passed Phase 2 of Apprentice Studies. Was present on IRC.
He's done with battle plan and crest creation, so where are those of you not havign done it yet??? Get out of hiding, with the most likely cancellation of the war game, Arcona can kiss our smooth behinds.
Delak - was on IRC.
Gryffon - was on IRC, or at least pretended to be so most of the time :-D Talked about doing the GFX but didn't manage yet.
Arso - was on IRC, tried to play some people but they didn't want to face him :-)
Ari - was on IRC as well.
Basil - was on IRC
Bazooka Kid - was on IRC
Waza - was of course on IRC! I think he's stil looking for competition ideas, so send them in if you have any. If you don't have any, get yourself a nice glass of wine and beer and think about something and then send it in!
Az - was on IRC
Oh, and then there's me... I'm almost done with the battle plan, nothing great but point is point. That's the last Obie thing for me in the GJW! Ha!
Anyone not listed I either didn't see on IRC or they were really as un-present.
Many members showed no activity for phase 2 yet, could this please change? :-\ We really really need the points.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best to make you everyone else is to fight the hardest battle anyone can fight."
Raise Autism Awareness -
"Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do!"
Play Robo Rally at Kedanya
Find the rules at
Well done guys'n'girls, not a bad week. Hopefully i'll be around a bit more this week for a chat and to help anyone out with any questions etc on any problems. Keep working on them Phase 2 entries and don't forget to CC the right people!! :)
Respectfully Submitted
ENV/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/DREAD Tranquility
SSx4/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/IS-1BR/LoC-CSx4-Rx2/COL/CoB/OV-3E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Sith Infiltrator -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )
OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,
GG/MG Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg.(MoS-w/SR)(MoSc-2)(MoPx5) {CDGI-Core-PC-PL-FR}
"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est"
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