<head> <title></title> </head>
<font color="#ff0000">INTRODUCTION</font>
It's a time of treasons and turmoils; this week three members
of the Dark Council were removed (DGM Mairin Astoris, CHAN Shadonyx, HM Mage), two of them have been sent to the High Court of Inquisitors. As this wasn't enough, members of certain Clans dared to question the leadership of Grand Master Firefox, bringing up even more chaos and confusion within the Brotherhood!
I'd like to point out to all of you that position of House Caliburnus
summit in this matter is very simple: the Grand Master has the ultimate word on every decision concerning the Dark Brotherhood. If GM Firefox says that a member of the Council isn't doing a good job and he must be removed then that member isn't doing a good job and must be removed! This is to make clear to everyone that as long as I'm Quaestor, Caliburnus will never support in any way those minorities that waste their time going against the wish of the Dark Lord of the Sith.
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<font color="#ff0000">DARK BROTHERHOOD AND ORDER NEWS</font>
<font color="#ff0000">HOUSE STATUS</font>
__2 New Members*__*
start this report giving a warm welcome to two new Sith that joined our ranks this week: Warrior Azazel and Aco*<span lang="EN-US" style="">**</span>lyte Detori Oakenshield<span lang="EN-US" style=""></span>*, welcome to House Caliburnus! Azazel is an expert and very skilled pilot so if you wish to improve your multiplayer skills he's the man to contact. He will shake you, he will outmanouver you, he will overkill you...but at the end, you will realise to have become a better pilot and you may use your experience to win some CF :-)
Great Jedi War Updates
Finally there're news about the Great Jedi War! Even if Mairin is facing a
HCI case, she will continue to rate submissions for Open and Obelisk events and she will be in charge of assign scores to Clans. Wargame won't be continued but all other events will so keep submitting your battleplans, graphic works or screenshoots. Do not forget that DEADLINE IS TOMORROW and every last-minute submission could help both Caliburnus and Scholae Palatinae. As far as I know there won't be further phases so tomorrow should be the ending date of GJW! If this is confirmed participation medals for GJW and for Phase #2 (for those who already received a medal for Phase #1) will be awarded soon.
Special Congratulations
I wish to personally congratulate with three members of our House that
have been extremely active and dedicated during the last weeks, these members are: Warrior Aeishline, Battlemaster Abel Malik and Jedi Hunter Ernest Penfold. Aeishline is doing an exceptional work as RollMistress of House Caliburnus, she rates all exams and keeps the HC Training webpage updated. Abel Malik helped House Caliburnus a lot during GJW submitting very good pilot files, both for Sith missions and Wargame. Penfold has been the most active pilot in Caliburnus and he submitted an impressive amount of pilot files to his Battleteam Leader. Keep up the superb work!
_**New Competitions
**_<font size="-1">I'm planning to run two new competitions, these won't be typical Sith competitions (i.e. fly, fly, fly) but they will have very original rules and hopefully they will provide fun to those of you who don't like TIE, XvT or XWA. Top Aces in Caliburnus don't have to be afraid thou, we'll also have many flying competitions soon (Caliburnus Flying, Caliburnus Top Gun MkII and a Sith Order MP Ladder). Anyway, you should receive an update about these new competitions within a day or two (the time to have them approved by the Grand Master) so stay tuned!</font><font size="-1">
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<font color="#ff0000">COMPETITIONS</font>
<div align="center"> </div>
The Great Jedi War
<div align="left">Sith Events - Phase 2
plan Competition_, Members of the Sith order will be charged
with formulating a strategy to best fit the following scenario. Battle Plan Scenario
Screenshot Competition, This competition is primarily for fun, members of the Sith Order can Submit any screenshots they want and as many as they want, from any mission on any platform, submissions are to be sent to the Sith High Warrior.
_**Open Events - Phase 2**_<span style="font-style: normal;"></span>
<span style="font-style: normal;"></span>
<span style="font-style: normal;"></span>GFX 2: Design a banner or graphic that takes in some aspect of the second part of the plot.
Evil Mastermind Design: Who is the real mastermind behind the pirate incursion? What are his aims and goals? Put yourself in the place of a master-spy, sent out to determine the whereabouts, and identity of the crook. The more detail you can provide, the better.
<span style="">Submit to [eloniel@dsl.pipex.com](mailto:eloniel@dsl.pipex.com); one
submission per email.</span><span style=""> Graphics should be in .jpg or .gif format and zipped prior to submission. Mastermind designs should be in .doc, .rtf, or .txt format - graphical content can be submitted and should be included in a zip file with your submission.
<div align="center"><span style="">Recruitment Run</span>
<div align="left"><span style=""></span>
</div> </div> Starting Date: 03/30/2003
_Ending Date:_ 04/30/2003
Cr-S for best recruiter
Cr-E for second best recruiter
Cr-T for third best recruiter
Aim of the competition is to recruit as more people as possible in Caliburnus.
Participants will receive points depending on how many people they recruit and their DB rank. Scores will be the following:
- 1 point for APP
- 2 points for NOV - ACO
- 3 points for PRT - JH
- 4 Points for DJK
- 5 points for SW
- 6 points for SBM
- 10 points for SBL and above
Recruitment from other Clans is **severely forbidden** and if a member
of another Clan spontaneously ask to join Caliburnus no points will be awarded. If a member of CSP creates a Sith clone it will be considered like a recruited Apprentice. When you recruit a new member you must contact me and AED Kane Reese.
**Participate in GJW and Recruitment Run competitions
**Fly custom battles or free missions
<font size="-1">Pass Shadow Academy or Caliburnus courses</font>
<font color="#ff0000" size="-1">HOUSE SUMMIT ACTIVITIES</font>
Quaestor -
SBM Gidda **
Submitted screenshots for GJW
Flew TIEF-215, XvTF-120, XWAF-75
Updated HC mailing list
Working on an advanced HTML roster
MB and
IRC activity
**Aedile - SBM Kane Reese
**Submitted AED report
Welcomed new members
Flew XWAF-94
IRC and MB activity
RollMistress - SW Aeishline**
Submitted RM report
Updated Lightsabre Techniques course
Submitted hints for Force Studies
IRC and MB activity
<div align="center">** <font color="#ff3333">SBM Gidda (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae</font>**
** GC/(SC-SoP)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-3T-8E-4S-7A-1R-2D/CF/DSS/MoT-1RH/CoL**
{HC: SL-SH-LS-MP-CS-FS***}*</div>
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