One more week under the all-important three letters G, J and W characterizes the latest happenings (one reason why this thing here is late, I chose to write my story instead of saying what others wrote :-P)
Submission frequency has gone up (as expected for the last week) but then it has not gone up as much as I hoped it would (you all are of course not even reading this because you're busy completing your last minute touches to your works, rrrright? Well, I can count on the first part at least :-P Prove me wrong if I am wrong.)
Not much in terms of medals this week, only a lone LSS for yours truly who is wondering just how long an ID line can grow from these things...
But on the roster side, there's been more action - one re-addition in the form of Pontifex Arion "Aleeman again" Sunrider and one nicely deserved promo for PRT Xehr.
Speaking of promos... two more promos have occurred in the Clan and they are absolutely BREAKING NEWS: Both our CON and PCON have received big-time elevations, three cheers for DARK ADEPT Drako and SITH WARLORD Gord Darkonian! (Gotta get used to those things). And I won't forget Drako's "huh" when I told him his IRC nick was wrong :-P
Now, tonight some of you will say "phew" (and let's just hope this is a deserved phew after a job well done). And I'll leave you that moment of feeling good. And once you had that, take a quick jab at whoever you despise most from this GJW and... torture him. Not literally of course but literarically, Dalthid really wants good submissions and I can't blame him. Besides, do you really want some Obelisk or Sith making off with the Crescents given for a Krathish Clan event?
And once you got that done, get ready to forget what I just said about Obelisk and Sith. Because you're gonna to have to work with them. Closely. That is, if you want to win anything in "Combined Arms", an upcoming MP-oriented multi-Clan event that will let you pick up where the GJW didn't go. And you do want some Crescents. You'll get them there.
So, to summarize - DEADLINES:
GJW all events: TODAY, 11:59 pm EST
Dalthid's interim: THURSDAY, 11:59 pm EST
SHADOW ACADEMY shopping spree(*): April 30, 11:59 pm EST
Combined Arms: COMING SOON!!!
(*) Complete several SA courses to earn a DC or SE (must have 4 on ID line for DC or 7 for SE, at least of one of them done in March or April this year)
Expect a few nice rewards for those who participated in the GJW once the final results are on the table. And expect even more of those when I see you stay active...
BTW, if any one of the lower (or higher) ranks wants to earn themselves a medal through extra activity outside the usual (DC, SE or SC), please contact me and we'll work out a project that will benefit the House and offer you a chance at a nice reward for a job well done. Please not that I will give preference to those who don't have the respective medals yet, but if you want that next upgrade, that can be arranged too.
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