The Dark Angels Report # 6
Pheniox was wandering the halls of Hpgs little fortress when he bumped into JRai . JRai stopped Pheniox and informed him that if his report was not on time this week Pheniox Would be loosing certain parts of the male anatomy. Pheniox did not even bother to say anything he just turned and walked to the bar and ordered a double.
Well there is now a format for my reports, what do you all think?
The Great Jedi War is now officially over if you did anything during the war and have not gotten anything look in your box in the near future, If you didnt do anything well then look in your box for your walking papers.
Since the War is over I have a project for all of you I want each of you to write me a letter giving me a brief history of your EH history (about a paragraph) and I want you to include a little bit about your real life. The most important thing I would like to know about your real life is how much time you can put into the battle team, I dont care how much time you can give me each week but I want to know so that I can reward you according to how much you do in the time you have. Basically I consider a person who gives an hour a week the same as a person who give 10 if that hour is the only time they have every week. You have till midnight Est. on Friday April 11 to complete this.
Lastly I ask again that you email me with every thing you do, in the email I expect some thing more then I did a graphic this week, if you do a graphic or write a story send it to me if you fight someone send me the score and if they are in the EH give me there name, A screen shot if you think of it would be nice too.
My door is always open so if you have a problem even if it is with me come on in and harass me about it I like stuff like that.
Vicious Received a DC from Rai for being the most active member of the house
Well last week I said that I was working on a few competitions and I have more information about them.
Firstly I have not gotten these approved yet so the details may change a little but the basic information wont.
The first competition will be a trivia competition. Included with my report will be 10 questions and a bonus question each regular question will be worth a point and the bonus worth 5. whom ever has the most points at the end of the time set for each segment will get an award. Also who ever gets all the bonus questions right in the time allotted gets a special prize. And at the end of the year or when the comp ends the person with the most points gets something also.
The second Comp will be based solely on activity, but I have not yet worked out the details on how it will work. So for now lets just say who ever is the most active will get a reward, but I want proof of everything if you fight a JK match I want a screen shot of the score. Stuff like that
More to come as the details fan out and things get rolling also I would like everyones opinion on these comps so send me email people.
Roster: Activity:
Pheniox Wrote report, irc, Team clerical work
Lorn Pavan
Navric Trow
Quatr Zax
Just because there is no activity noted does not mean you didnt do anything it just means I dont know about it, So tell me and ill fix things.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::TH..TH..THAAATS ALL FOLKS.
Till Next Week Anyway
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