Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

*Rollmaster Report 04 April 2003*


  • Phase 2 of GJW is over!

  • Mairin resigns from EH :(

  • New CHAN Camile

House News:

  • Interim Comp 3 has ended!

  • QUA Kaiann gets Sapphire Blade

Arrivals and Depatures:

  • None

Rank Increase:

  • None

Medal Cabinet:

  • KE Kaiann awarded Sapphire Blade for "Like his first tenure this time too Kaiann took over the house at a decisive point in it's existence and like the first time he has done a great job to stabilize the house after taking command of it. His first step was to bring back in some of the old house members back in increasing the number of the members and removing our fears that Aleema will fall deep down the hole of in significance.To say the truth he even took over at a really bad time considering that the GJW had just started and a leader change at such points actually tends more to kill off a house rather than make it flourish. that didn't happen ! Aleema has had a great showing in the first phase of the GJW and with no doubt the results of the second phase will show that we at least have been able to hold on to that standard if not improve even further.

But the GJW aside , and even without it Kaiann would still deserve the SB for his dedication to Aleema and to this clan. He never failed us!

thx K

SWL Gord Darkonian PCON CSK;

Kaiann has shown that he still has what it takes to lead a house. Building on his advisory role to me over many, many months, he has changed the often shaky morale of Aleema and focussed it once again on it goals. To name a few things he did, he created the CSK force powers of illusion, ran numerous house competitions and resolved major internal conflicts that would of split up the house. He currently runs the server, which is where the house site is hosted and has done so for ... ooh must be 2 years nearly now! He also distributes email addies for aleema as needed. Unrewarded for the AED duties of past and for his exceptional service during the GJW, he deserves no lesser award!".

  • DJK Silent awarded Dark Side Scroll x21 for Dark Voice #35.

  • KP Dalthid awarded Dark Cross x2 for Dark Voice #35 submissions of the month.

  • DJK Selket awarded Dark Side Scroll x2 for Dark Voice #35.

The ChalkBoard:

  • PRT Xehr has completed Leadship Studies with a score of 100!

It's a new month, and the Phase 2 of the GJW has ended. The next phase won't start again until probably August this year. Kaiann was awarded for his work to House Aleema! Interim Comp 3 is over! Dark Voice #35 is out, and Silent got alot, and i mean alot, of DSS's. Xehr did very well in his Leadership Studies. Overall, this was a good week.

End Of Report

DJK Selket KuroHyo Entar (Krath)/RM-TET/Aleema of Satal Keto

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