Sith Squadron League: Round Two Wrap-up


Sith Squadron League: Round Two Wrap-up

Well Ladies and Gents, Round 2 of the Squadron League has come to a close,
and I'm happy to see that it has continued to be successful. I would like to
congratulate Galthain, Caliburnus and Oriens Obscurum, who had all of their
Squadrons participate  This competition has never been about Houses, only
the individual Squadrons, however the Squadrons of Oriens Obscurum have
dominated thus far this season, they have the top spot in three Groups right now
and Purgatory Squadron is the first Squadron in the history of the Squadron
League to receive 20 points for 100% participation and taking first place points
in missions. In a final note I ma very happy to see Ludo Kressh and Ronin once
again involved in the Squadron League.

The standing for this round are as follows:


Delphian: Mission Points: 5 Participation Points: 4

Pandragon: Mission Points: 10 Participation Points: 6

Nighstalker: Mission Points: 3 Participation Points: 1


Harbinger: Mission Points: 5 Participation Points: 4

Apocalypse: Mission Points: 10 Participation Points: 1


Disciples of Death: Mission Points: 5 Participation Points: 4

Stingray: Mission Points: 3 Participation Points: 4

Diamond: Mission Points: 10 Participation Points: 1


Nightmare: Mission Points: 0 Participation Points: 4

Nightshade: Mission Points: 3 Participation Points: 4

Black Omega: Mission Points: 5 Participation Points: 4

Purgatory : Mission Points: 10 Participation Points: 10

Round Three is now open, this time its XWA Free Mission 34, you can download
it from the SSL website
or form the TIE Corps website. Good luck everyone, submissions are due Sunday
the 22nd 11:59 PM EST.

<font face="Blackadder ITC">Colonel Synjin "Hades" Erebor, Sith Battlelord
</font><font face="Arial" size="1">Sith High Warrior and member of the Dark
Brotherhood Elite Tau Squadron</font>

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