House Kirleta Report
Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr
Greetings Kirletians...
With the Great Jedi War now over, and now with the wait for the final tallies of scores and such to come out, i think you have all earned a wee breather. I must say that i am VERY pleased with the amount of participation that this House turned out. I mean, everyone deserves a pat on the back from me and a Golden handshake atleast (i think as you'll see my Golden handshake will be in detail later in this report) ;D
My one hope is that we have done enough to beat Dinaari, they were my main target in this War. Even though we got 100% participation in Phase 2, i know we could've done better, alot better. But lets see what this House produces in the next GJW :) Right now i am glad that i had the full support and backing and the house. I must admit, i had a sinking feeling that only a few would be active, and the bulk of the points being won by a certain few 'Usual faces', but i was wrong, and i am glad i was. The whole house worked well as a team, you helped eachother out, made suggestions and also even submitted stuff (or forwarded) submissions on for some of you (i had to forward a few on because some of you forgot to CC someone it). But all the same, its was nice start to this year (Kinda), and what looks to be a new era for House Kirleta is now dawning :D
All you need is to carry on this tradition of helping and supporting one another, then, when your aware of what eachother can do, and know eachother weakness and strengths, the House will be ready to face any or all comers >:}
Anyway people....lets get on with some news shall we :D (Rapturous applause is heard)
House News.
For all your latest up to date news visit :
CSK Home Page :
In 1. The GM selects a new DGM & OHC! - First off congratulations to both of the people selected to fill these rolls. First off - OBL Khaen is now the OHC. And - DA Hades (another former CSK'er). Well done and congrats to the both of you!!! :D
In 2. GJW Scores - Well so far nothing but the Sith's totals have been done. You can find the Sith scores on the main DB news page (link above). So far theres been no mention of anything further for the Krath and Obelisk, but Mairin is working towards getting this done aswell as KHP Tronsta. Fingers crossed folks! :P
In 3. Pre GJW - I'm not done saying 'GJW' yet ;) As i stated in my intro section, i am pleased with what the House produced, i have now seen what you guys can do with some gentle nudging in the right direction. So, what i would like to see is the same level of participation and activity to remain at a good respectable level if possible. In saying this, there are some comps being worked on right now, it would be exellent to see you guys go all out and really do well in these also. Like i said to Dufar, when i get a quiet 5 mins i'll send him my idea's for the 2vs2 mini league so he can read it and see if there's anything he wants changed. Then i'll release it to the House for you all to have a gannies at :)
N.B. As with Dufar - i will not say no to any idea's for comps, so if you want to bring one to my attention, then please do so. Gryffon has also done this, Reza, Arso & Waza. Anyone can have a shot at creating a comp and i will always help. Though i will not take credit for it nor will i run it, unless asked too. So anything you want to see ran, let me know and we'll discuss it ;)
In 4. House Structure - Now i don't know if this a good idea, but i thought about 'Giving' some people some percific jobs in the House. Here's what i mean :
OW Reza & OW Arso - Saber Trainers
What i am looking for from you guys are the following :-
2 Competition creators - to help with the running, development, and creation of new comps
House Tailor - for making possible custom skins for us
JO Map Editor/Maker - perhaps a possible House Kirleta Training/dueling centre with meeting hall?
House Recruiter - just to assist the RM in getting new talent into the House to fill the gaps
These positions is what i have in mind. I'm not expecting people to agree straight away, but its something i would like you guys to think about and have a go at :) All of the above positions activities would count towards monthly activity ofcourse, and medals for services renderd WILL be handed out as a show of thanks for your efforts. Even Mod editors maybe a good idea also. Have a think, and gimme a shout if any of these positions are up your street and something you feel you'd like to get into doing. Any activity is good activity, as any new idea is a good idea and worth a look into ;)
In 5. The Future of House Kirleta - There comes a time in a Qua's time as head of the Household when he needs to look back and try and find some of the good from his time as Qua. So far i think my crowning acheivement is the fact that i have stayed when many times i have felt like throwing in the towel because of the low activity levels. BUT...i was'nt raised to be a quiter and walk away from a bad situation because i can't deal with it. Hell no! I have stood by and done all i can to make you guys feel at home, welcome, and needed. Without you guys i would've gone long ago, without your support this past year, i would'nt be here now, without you guys i'd just be a normal Trooper in some other House and not Qua of Kirleta.
So i think a big round of applause is needed is for you guys, and a huge 'Good form' is also :)
House Stats - as i was told by Kaiann (and most of the channel), for the FIRST TIME EVER! House Kirleta beat the Sith of Galthain for participation. I think we betterd the Sith in both Phase 1 and Phase 2. Now this to me is my moment of glory so far. And its also is YOURS! So don't forget it.This is the winning team that we got here right now, and i wanna keep it that way. 100% in Phase 2 short of out standing....and the reason why i was so pleased to see it in black and white. You really made me proud :) Even if we do not win the Obelisk Order specific tasks, or even become the top Obelisk House, in some small way Your all winners in my eyes! And don't let anyone tell you any different because Az says so! >:} Marvelous! Thats all i can say my Brothers & Sisters.......Marvelous :D
And Bullies Special Prize...
In 6. Mentor Scheme - Now someone mentioned this to me the other day, and i do appologise but i have forgotten who it was, but i think this is a grand idea. What i want to see is every new NOV who comes into the House is paired with a Mentor who will help him to settle in and get to know the ropes. This can also apply to anyone you have recruited into the House who is still doing the SA courses. Here's a breif outline of what i think is required to be a mentor -
A good working knowledge of the DB database
Friendly, helpful, tactile, confident & patient
Willing to assist with courses
Must be able to train with them on atleast one of the following platforms - JO & JK1
Help with any enquiries they may have
Get them on mIRC, by helping them set it up, and get them introduced to members of the House and Clan
I think that about covers what i needed for a Mentor in Kirleta. IF, for instance that you have taken someone under your wing, but you do not have either JO or JK1, or just not the platform that your Apprentice has, then please ask someone like OW Reza or OW Arso if they would be so kind as to assist you in training them. Like i said, a good House is one thats works as one, as a team towards a single goal :)
Thus endeth the News section for this week.
House Activity
Hold onto your pants people....
( Az takes a deep breath)
GRD Dufar Jubar - DJH (Congrats!!)
PRT Kairus - GRD (Congrats!!)
DJH Aishea - DJK (Congrats!!)
Comes up for some air and takes an even deeper breath
OW Reza - DSSx4, SC
OBM Gryffon - GC, SC
OBM Waza - SC
OW Arso - SC
DJK Aishea - SC
PRT Basil - SE
DJH Dufar - SE
PRT Bazookakid - SE
GRD Kairus - SE
Bloomin Marvelous!! :D
OBM William Waffennass - Rogue to House Kirleta
Welcome home Wet Winky ;)
OWL Rizlib - House Kirleta to Rogue
Sorry to see you go again m8 :(
SA Courses
None this week :P
Hoose Reports....
Pending...should be out tonight or tomorrow :) But its ok :)
All quiet on the RM front....but its ok :)
CD Sgt
Short but sweet Report Today
Two new people joined Crimson Dawn, NOV Bentusi and OBM Wet Willy.
We still have a website, and I am still looking for ways to improve it. Send me anything you have.
The GJW is over and the house had amazing turnout for the last round.
I will gone this weekend, I am going to be running a 10K in Charleston, SC. So if anyone sees anything about it in the news with terrorist scare, remember your friend Arso.
That's about it for now, SEND ME STUFF FOR THE #&$&^%*#@ WEBSITE! :-)
OW Arso Slyth (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto
Flash git :D
The Ranting & Raging Section!
Well i have'nt got anything bad to say in this section because i am too pleased with the House right now that nobody can do no wrong in my eyes :) As i said, you have had 'Azzy's Golden Handshake & Pat on the Back' (both fresh produce ofcourse), it is because of your out standing performance in the GJW. So there's no real need to say 'Thanks Az', its nice to be thanked, but really all it is is me thanking you the only way i know how :) So you owe it to yourselves really and not to me ;)
The Questionaire - I sent out a questionaire yesterday, i have had some responses back, but PLEASE good people, it is important that you all have a say. Both the CON & PCON want to see your thoughts. You do not have to send it to me if you do not want me to see your comments, you can just send it to the CON and PCON, i don't mind, but just aslong as you have a say! Thats all that matters here. So please get them in. Thankyou ;)
Peapod time - why i just said that i will never know....i guess i have popped a clog or something. But remember i would like people to step forward to take some secoundary positions in the House (see News section #4 - House Structure). Its just a trial run that i want to implement into the House to get some new projects under way and open some new possibilities for us as a House.
And with that all said and done.....and as the light fades on Azzy World.......i must draweth this reporteth to a closeth.......
Here's a touching quote that Gryffon sent to me (and everyone i think)
" To accuse me is to be my enemy, to comfort me is to be my friend, to stand by me is to be my brother."
And with that i shall bid you all a Until next time, take care of Yourselves, and Eachother......
Chin-chin ;)
Respectfully Submitted
AMB/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/DREAD Tranquility
SSx4/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/IS-1BR/LoC-CSx4-Rx2/COL/CoB/OV-3E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Sith Infiltrator -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )
OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,
RSV/MG Azazel Djo'Tarr/ Reserves.(MoS-w/SR)(MoSc-2)(MoPx5) {CDGI-Core-PC-PL-FR}
"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est"
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