Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings brothers and sisters

BTfeud is going on and it is very successful and fun i believe now to the report: The contents:

  • Activity

  • Competitions

  • Promotions and Medals

  • General news

  • Roster

  • Kudos of the week


Very pleasing I have to say. We have many many Battleboat battles and KCC battles. I believe this is really getting you some shiny medals.


Battleteam Feud Mystics vs Spirits

Begin: 3rd April

End: 13th May

More infos on the BTfeud website:

There are 4 events house & Clan summit is allowed to play as well.


Teams of two, either of the same Battleteam or of different Battleteams, will write at least two stories together. One team member starts a story on any topic desired dealing with his or her Clan in the set up right after the GJW, when the story is done, the other team member will read it and write a supplementing story, taking into account the happenings in the team mates' tale. Ideally, the two of them will meet somewhere along the line of the story, but this is not a must. The more the two stories read as two versions/two perspectives of the same thing, the better.

Teams have to "register", meaning they have to email the KHP and the TETs with their desicion.

Submission format: 12pt Times New Roman, .doc or .txt, 3 pages minimum

Submissions to:[Log in to view e-mail addresses] and CC [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Don't forget to add your ID-Line in the story and in the email! Teams in the moment: Kaiann and Telona, Arion and Arania, Siterath and Akaido

Play Adaption

In this section you should rewrite the play "Romeo and Juliet" from Shakespeare that it fits into the Dark Brotherhood scenery. Here you can find the original play from Shakespeare as source and reference. Be creative! If you need information about drama you can also visit LR's Trainingscenter, in the genre section you can find something on drama. Only one submission per person is allowed!

Submission Format: 12pt Times New Roman, .doc or .txt, 5 pages minimum.

Submissions to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and CC [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Don't forget to add your ID-Line in the story as well as in the email!


You can challenge whoever you want from the other Battleteam. You just need a charactersheet/profile and then you can challenge someone. Please give as reason for the match "Battleteam Feud between Mystics/Tarentum and Spirits/CSK" because then the KCC judges will judge those battles with priority. You are not allowed to challenge the same person more than two times (one match and a revanche). If you have a match running please inform the TETs ([Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Arion is on leave he will reply on Monday to the battles again. Dont despair.


This event is probably the funniest. You just have to register at (best would be to use the DB ID number e.g.: DB1807). You can then start a newgame with the "New Game" link on the navbar. There you can find a description how it works (you need to know your opponents ID to invite him). After the battle is over email the url with the result to the TETs ([Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]).


House Comp

  1. Design a creature.

While digging up an old Sith book on a planet about to be swallowed up by its sun in a few thousand years you are suddenly attacked!

What is this creature that you could not sense with your Life Sense? What is it doing on this uninhabitated planet?
Submit in .doc .rtf or .txt format with the subject 'What is that thing?!'

NOTE: Do not just make this a current Star Wars creature. It must be of your own design.

  1. Design a room.

What in the world does our meeting room look like? You deside!

Submit in .doc .rtf or .txt format with the subject 'Now that's a room!'

  1. Design an old book.

We talk about all these old books we read and how much information and secrets they hold but what do these books look like?

Do they smell? How do they feel? Use that wonderful imagination of yours to describe one!

Submit in .doc .rtf or .txt format with the subject 'Dang old book!'

Awards for each part will be as follows:

Sapphire Star for first

Emerald Star for second

Topaz Star for third

All submissions are to be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

End: on the 30th of this month.

Promotions - Medals & Courses

Last week there came some medals in after I sent the report off:

3xDSS for Demerzel Congratz

3xDSS for Akaido

And nooooow !!! We got a promo!! Desann was promoted to Protector! Congratz you really deserve it! You never lost faith! You were always active one of the most active people. :)

General News

Dark Voice

Please check the DV submission criterias:

  1. Make sure to include your DB ID line AND DB Pin number in the E-mail when submitting to the dark voice. This helps me type in all of those medals I award, you don’t do this then don’t cry to me that you didn’t get your dark side scroll (DSS).

  2. The submission MUST be Dark Jedi/Force related. DO NOT just send me a TIE fighter picture. Yes, I know that we have Sith pilots but I need more creativity then that. If you made it a banner and put some cools DB related stuff on there then that is fine. But I will not accept just anything. It must be Dark Brotherhood/Force related.

  3. ALL SUBMISSIONS will be titled as follows, (NAME-STORY TITLE). Example; I write a story named Darkness Below I would write it like this (korbane-darknessbelow) all in lower case letters with no spaces. If you do not send it like this I will not accept it.

  4. QUALITY NOT QUANTITY! I have some people that will submit a lot of stuff and it will not be a high quality at all. I will no longer take these submissions, if you are not going to take any effort and expect a DSS then you are wrong.

  5. OBELISK/SITH; When you submit any screen shots NAME THEM. I will not accept anything named shot001, shot002, ect… Use the naming system above and think of something creative. Like you got to guys standing like they are about to draw gun in the wild west then name it (name-wildwestdraw). It is not that hard and it shows me you put some thought into it.

  6. When you wish to contribute anything to the Dark Voice send all items to KAP Korbane Ashoka at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Be sure to put the Subject as ‘Dark Voice Submission’ I will no longer take fwd. E-mails. It only takes a second to send it to me personally.

  7. If you submit to a competition and submit to the Dark Voice afterwards then you must inform me if you won a medal from the previous competition. This will exclude you from winning a Dark Cross but you will still be awarded a Dark Side Scroll. If you do not tell me and I find out… it will be bad. (This will prevent 'double awarding')

Activity Reports

Another week this time 2 reports :)


DJK Rage Akaido - TET

GRD Siterath Goersase

GRD Demerzel

KAP Aari Nikus

DJK Jason Hunter

PRT Desann

We lost Valpurgius in the AWOL :(

Special kudos and thanks

BT feud participants :)

Kick ass!

Have Fun

TET Rage Akaido

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