Deputy Grand Master Report


Deputy Grand Master Report

Welcome to the Deputy Grand Master's first weekly report. What the hell? They put this guy in charge?

1) Grand Master on Leave: Yes Firefox is on leave because of tragic circumstances. I really don't want him to come back to an inbox littered with asinine requests that can easily be handled by myself or other Dark Council members. With that being said please flood my inbox with asinine requests.

2) DGM Matters: I've finally begun to settle into the position of DGM, several competitions were approved this week and I hope they will all go well for their respective participants. I've begun to review some of the projects of my Praetor and I should have my input on those next week, this deals with Clan Specific improvements and such.

3) DGM Office: I'll still be using Mairins office, no I have not updated any of the information, that is secondary at the moment. I will be looking for a new graphical format. I like the whole scantily clad woman motif but I think something a little more masculine, and possible green or red. If any members wish to make possible concept for this send it to me and the SCL.

4) NEW SHW: Yes my magistrate was chosen as the new Sith High Warrior. DA Reinthaler is actually a former Herald of the Dark Brotherhood so I would like to welcome him back to the DC. Reinthaler was in my opinion that best Infiltrator Wing Commander I ever served under, I know he will do the position great justice.

5) Clan overseeing: As SHW I saw some areas that needed improvement in the Houses of the Sith, just because I'm not Sith High Warrior does not mean I will still be making recommendations for changes concerning these matters.

6) Dark Hall: One project I will be putting to the Grand Master is a revitalization of the Dark Hall. The Dark Hall formerly was an area of the Brotherhood dedicated to the lore and mysticism of the Club. I think this lore and mysticism helped do bind the Brotherhood together and generate a more favorable atmosphere. I think such activity is needed within this organization at this time.

7) Avenger Campaign: One project the Grand Master and I will be somewhat tight lipped about is the Avenger Campaign, Firefox's initial ideals with this are very interesting and I think this will be a very interesting and in depth competition. This will take a lot of planning, I want this Campaign to be completely mapped out for all contingencies before it is set in motion, so please be patient.

8) Melee Nights: I know the Sith and Obelisk have been planning on unifying melee nights, I wish for this go forward as soon as possible and with two new faces in the positions of SHW and OHC I have no doubt that it will happen along with a lot of other fine projects.

9) GJW Awards: All awards for the Sith Phase I and Phase II have been recommended by myself, I need the KHP and OHC to send me award recs to me and the CHAN so we can we settle all the GJW Events in short order.

10) Darth Umbra: Well hey I'm Deputy Grand Master and the DSC says I can have a Darth Name so well there it is. Thats all for right now

Darth Umbra, Deputy Grand Master
Colonel Hades, Dark Side Adept

Any relation to Burnt Umbra?

Actually, the DC says you can be granted the title of Darth by the Grand Master, if he deems you worthy :P

When the Grand Master feels that the Deputy Grand Master has achieved a certain level of proficiency in the Ways of the Dark Side, the Deputy Grand Master will become a fellow Sith Lord and be afforded the title of "Darth."

It seems you have to wait a bit more for that Hades =P

You kill joys!

Dark Hall and Avenger Campaign?


Heheh, you should change your name to Darth BoBo.

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