Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report



Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr


Greetings Kirletians.....

It has been a good week for me for contemplation and some personal projects off to a start. As you know, i have created some new House positions, but i have some small adjustments to make for all those in these positions for data collection reasons. I'll explain why a bit later in this report. The main focus for me this week has been on my skinning projects, which i'll also explain to you a bit later along with a list of those who have taken on this new line of work.

As we all wait with baited breathe on the final scores from the GJW, we need to keep busy and focused on our jobs. Training, Skinning, Recruiting, Comp creation and Map creation/editing - all these count towards activity for us. If anyone has any queries or have an idea that they want to bring to my attention, then please by all means get in touch with me or catch me on mIRC through the week :) An idea kept to yourself may never become reality....share your idea's to create and develop an origional concept ;)

Well...enough of me, now lets take a look at the weeks news.........


For all the latest DB news - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

Clan Satal Keto Homepage - http://csk.minos.net/

Order of the Obelisk Website - http://www.minos.net/~obelisk/page.php?page=home

  1. GJW Scores - Theres a rumour flying round that they were supposed to be out this weekend. As of yet, i have heard nothing along those lines. GM FireFox is supposed to be looking into this. Lets hope that they are out soon. I'm sure everyone is waiting with baited breathe to see who has won and who has won what section. Fingers crossed for our Clan, our House and its members! ;)

  2. House Positions List updated! - I have looked over the positions and who wanted to do what etc and have drawn up a new list for each position. Below is the list so far :-

Kirleta Tailor - OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr

Kirleta Comp Creators - OBM Waza, OW Arso, DJH Dufar

Kirleta Recruiter - GRD Delak

Kirleta Map Editor - OW MacDougall

Kirleta Combat Instructors - OW Reza, OW Arso (DJK Markr???)

So far GRD Delak has informed me that he has 2 Troopers on the way! Exellent work Del! One is going through the SA now, and the other, i beleive is joining us from the Rogues :)

I myself, recruited an old friend from my time in the TC, OW MacDougall, most of you will know him as Wes Janson, so please welcome him to the House when you see him ;)

OW Arso, has agreed to take on two roles in the House, KCI & KCC, good form Arso! :D

Anyone else fancy doing skinning? If so contact me and we'll see what we can do. I'm not just gonna be doing player skins & models, i will also be looking into creating Lightsabers too :)

  1. CSK Forum moves - OBM Gryffon sent out a mail in the week to inform us all that the clan forum has moved House to a new location. So please can you all update your Favourates list. New url - http://www.satalketo.net/mb/

  2. Kirleta Screenshot Comp - As of this week, OBM Waza's Comp is in effect. For those of you who pop on the server and train, or just play someone in a comp, then please remember to take a screenshot, zip it, and send it to OBM Waza!! Everytime you do so you will earn a point! OBM Waza will release more info about this comp in his report :)

  3. CSK Forum, New Run-On - OBM Gryffon has started a new run-on in the forum. If you fancy taking part in one just for fun (minus the stress of the GJW one), then by all means go and post on it! :) And remember - Its just for fun!

  4. DA Drako & SWL Darkonian - I don't know whether i missed this out of my last report or not, but big congrats to our CON & PCON who were both elevated for thier work within the Clan :) Congrats (again) Guys!! ;D

  5. GJW Clan Statistics - As from the CON's report sent out in the week :-

A detailed breakdown by percent of our activity show:

Kirleta 82.35% (Phase 1 75.00, Phase 2 100.00)

Aleema 100% (Phase 1 100.00, Phase 2 72.73) *

Galthain 92.59% (Phase 1 92.59 Phase 2 59.26) * Think these need another crosscheck:P

Percentage of ppl who did at least 1 event... except for being on leave or having computer problems.

Kirleta 58.72% (Phase 1 43.75 Phase 2 80.00)

Aleema 65.71% (Phase 1 68.00 Phase 2 63.64)

Galthain 35.93% (Phase 1 45.93 Phase 2 25.93)

Percentage of EVENTS done, as above for each person.

Clan participation overall: By Jedi 90.74% - By event 47.52%

If you look closely....i have a feeling that House Kirleta not only matched the Krath of Aleema, but may have also gave them a bit of a spanking too ;) We had a strong start, and an even better finish!!! :D Now thats why i was over the moon, i saw these stats a few weeks ago. So again folks, TOP JOB!! :D I wonder how many other Obbie Houses can boat such impressive stats as ours ;)

House Activity


None this week :P


GRD Kairus - Star of Eos(SE) + Scroll of Indoctrination(SI)

OW Reza - Cluster of Fire(CF)

OBM Waza - Grand Cross of the Dark Side(GC)

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr - Sapphire Blade(SB)

SA Courses

None this week



OW MacDougall - Rogues to House Kirleta (Welcome to Kirleta Wes)



Obelisk Competitions.

Obelisk Arena

When? Monday's 3:00pm-5:00pm EST

Members: All DB

Awards: Clusters of Fire


Hosts: Primary: Sukuth - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Platform/Settings: Platform: JK/JK2

Settings: Any

Submitter: JaM3z

Comments: Comments: 0

Obelisk Vengeance

When? Wednesday's 6:00pm-9:00pm EST

Members: All DB

Awards: Cluster's of Fire


Hosts: Primary: Shaithis - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Platform/Settings: Platform: JK/JK2

Settings: Any

Submitter: JaM3z

Comments: Comments: 0

Obelisk Crusades

When? Friday's 7:00pm-9:00pm EST

Members: All DB

Awards: Cluster's of Fire


Hosts: Primary: Destavol - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Platform/Settings: Platform: JK/JK2

Settings: Any

Submitter: JaM3z

Comments: Comments: 0

OHC's Rampage

When? Saturday's 2:00pm EST

Members: All DB

Awards: Cluster's of Fire


Hosts: Primary: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Backup: Mark - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 1

Settings: Any

Submitter: JaM3z

Comments: Comments: 0

OHC's Cup

When? Saturday's 3:00pm EST

Members: All DB

Awards: Cluster's of Fire and Crescents


Hosts: Primary: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Backup: Mark - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 2

Settings: Any

Submitter: JaM3z

Comments: Comments: 0

DB Fight Club

When? Sunday's 7:00pm EST

Members: All DB

Awards: Cluster's of Fire and Crescents


Hosts: Primary: Vindoros - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Backup: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 2

Settings: Any

Submitter: JaM3z

Comments: Comments: 0

Dark Side Duels

When? 2nd Sunday of each month

Members: All DB

Awards: Cluster's of Fire and Crescents


Hosts: Primary: Sukuth - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Backup: Eoth Kun - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 2

Settings: Special!

Submitter: JaM3z

Comments: Comments: 0

Obelisk Madness

When? Fridays 7am-10am EST

Members: All DB

Awards: Cluster's of Fire


Hosts: Host: Selket - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Platform/Settings: JK/JK2

Submitter: Khaland

Comments: Comments: 0

DV Submissions

KP Dalthid sent out a mail to Aleema in the week about Dark Voice submissions. Well, i have decided that seeing as some of you have showed some interest in the Dark Voice, i figured it only fitting that i pass this on. These guidelines were written by Archpriest Korbane Ashoka, Editor of the Dark Voice.

I know that all of you are excited about submitting to the Dark Voice and getting your dark side scrolls or possible dark cross for those select few. First you need to know the guidelines for submitting to the Dark Voice. IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE I WILL SEND ONE WARNING AFTERWARD I WILL JUST DELETE!

  1. Make sure to include your DB ID line AND DB Pin number in the E-mail when submitting to the dark voice. This helps me type in all of those medals I award, you don’t do this then don’t cry to me that you didn’t get your dark side scroll (DSS).

  2. The submission MUST be Dark Jedi/Force related. DO NOT just send me a TIE fighter picture. Yes, I know that we have Sith pilots but I need more creativity then that. If you made it a banner and put some cools DB related stuff on there then that is fine. But I will not accept just anything. It must be Dark Brotherhood/Force related.

  3. ALL SUBMISSIONS will be titled as follows, (NAME-STORY TITLE). Example; I write a story named Darkness Below I would write it like this (korbane-darknessbelow) all in lower case letters with no spaces. If you do not send it like this I will not accept it.

  4. QUALITY NOT QUANTITY! I have some people that will submit a lot of stuff and it will not be a high quality at all. I will no longer take these submissions, if you are not going to take any effort and expect a DSS then you are wrong.

  5. OBELISK/SITH; When you submit any screen shots NAME THEM. I will not accept anything named shot001, shot002, ect… Use the naming system above and think of something creative. Like you got to guys standing like they are about to draw gun in the wild west then name it (name-wildwestdraw). It is not that hard and it shows me you put some thought into it.

  6. When you wish to contribute anything to the Dark Voice send all items to KAP Korbane Ashoka at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Be sure to put the Subject as ‘Dark Voice Submission’ I will no longer take fwd. E-mails. It only takes a second to send it to me personally.

  7. If you submit to a competition and submit to the Dark Voice afterwards

then you must inform me if you won a medal from the previous competition.

This will exclude you from winning a Dark Cross but you will still be

awarded a Dark Side Scroll. If you do not tell me and I find out… it will

be bad. (This will prevent 'double awarding')

That is all the rules for the Dark Voice, I look forward to receiving your submissions!

  • Archpriest Korbane Ashoka, Editor of the Dark Voice.



gretings all;

a new thing in my mail box the screen shot comp

scheduled to take place to go with the larger clan

comp is a go so be ready for some jk1/jk2 action &

send me the screenshots of the final score in a zip

file. it dont matter if you win or not just send me

the screen shot of the final score

remeber the jk1 ctf comp running also!!!!


OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto, GC/(SC)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS/(BN)/(CFx3)/CoL

"One shall stand ,,,,,, one shall fall"

Kirleta Sgt's Reports

None this week


Our RM is on leave whilst she is sick :( Lets hope that DJH Aishea gets well soon and returns 100% ;)

Rampant Ramblings of a Madman!

Right...got a few Ramblings from the madman himself. Yes its me again......sheesh.....i have noticed some things in the channel (#csk) that are somewhat bothering me. Understand here that i do not want to see any of my Troopers or House Summit goto the HCI. So please sit back and read this - Important!

Behaviour - I have seen some people swearing in the channel. Now i have seen people goto the HCI for doing this as you must remember that we have younger members in the clan. Just one log can send you there. If your talking to someone over the age of 16 (or someone around your age), and you feel the need to swear, please take it into a query, DON'T DO IT IN THE CHANNEL! The EH CoC's are enforced in every single EH related channel. So please use your common sense and be pleasant! Your not only representing your clan, but your also representing the House, your Summits, and yourself!

Training - As always, this applies with the House Screenshot Comp - contact OW Reza & OW Arso if your interested in doing some training for the Obelisk comps. Now when you mail them, please state what kind of training you are looking into doing. Either yourself or one of the Instructors will take a screenshot. If you take it, send it to me and Waza, but remember to CC your SGT and the Instructor that trained you in that session. The reason being is that the Instructor can let us know how your progressing in JO :)

Well....thats it for this week....so until next time....take care of yourselves, and eachother ;)


Respectfully Submitted

AMB/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/DREAD Tranquility

SSx4/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/IS-1BR/LoC-CSx4-Rx2/COL/CoB/OV-3E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Sith Infiltrator -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,


RSV/MG Azazel Djo'Tarr/ Reserves,(MoS-w/SR)(MoSc-2)(MoPx5) {CDGI-Core-PC-PL-FR}

"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est"

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