Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>

Like most (at least the senior members of HLK), this past week blew by in a Bud Light-drenched haze of bar hopping and toilet soiling. The shameful truth of the matter is that my life has devolved into a vicious cycle of drink, dose, snort, f*, crap, f* again, crap again, pass out, wake up, drink, rinse and repeat – and as anyone who has ever seen me on the tail-end of this cycle will vouch, the rinse is optional.

The debauchery has sunk to such a level that I can’t recall the last time I went to sleep by choice -- you know, actually looked at a clock and said, “My gracious, the time is late. I should get some sleep.” Instead, night after accursed night, I hurtle towards exhaustion with a fistful of cheap trucker speed in one hand and my penis in the other, hoping -- praying -- that the next unattractive slut I approach will have enough toot in her snoot to block the odors emanating off the 7-layer dip encrusted on my unwashed underwear.

If you don’t keep your eyes on the road, life will knock you into the gutter. Lucky for us, the gutter is infinitely more interesting.

It just occurred to me that I have no idea where I was going with this. Screw it -- cut the losses.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td> </tr> </table>

  • Great Jedi War

  • New Sith High Warrior

  • Squadron Commanders

  • Sith Multiplayer League

  • Dark Voice Guidelines

  • Coming and Going

  • Promotions and Awards

  • Kressh Training Run

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>FRESSH NEWS</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - Great Jedi War

It's still over....I think....and the winners are.....uhmmmm.....most likely not us.....but who cares.

#002 - New Sith High Warrior

With the promotion of DA Hades to the Deputy Grand Master, DA Reinthaler has been named the new Sith High Warrior.

#003 - Squadron Commanders

The position of Diamond squadron CMDR is still open. What a surprise.
For those of you interested contact me, or even those not interested contact me. ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

#004 - Sith Multiplayer League

The MP League is scheduled to start April 19th. To get all the latest information on rules and session times:


Now in order to play in the League you must be a member of the BDJ BSC Club.

Here is how you go about doing this:


You can use that URL to guide you through the sign-up process. When joining a club make sure you use 3628 as the club ID number.

Now Go Sign Up!

#005 - Dark Voice Guidelines

  1. Make sure to include your DB ID line AND DB Pin number in the E-mail when submitting to the dark voice. This helps me type in all of those medals I award, you don’t do this then don’t cry to me that you didn’t get your dark side scroll (DSS).

  2. The submission MUST be Dark Jedi/Force related. DO NOT just send me a TIE fighter picture. Yes, I know that we have Sith pilots but I need more creativity then that. If you made it a banner and put some cools DB related stuff on there then that is fine. But I will not accept just anything. It must be Dark Brotherhood/Force related.

  3. ALL SUBMISSIONS will be titled as follows, (NAME-STORY TITLE). Example; I write a story named Darkness Below I would write it like this (korbane-darknessbelow) all in lower case letters with no spaces. If you do not send it like this I will not accept it.

  4. QUALITY NOT QUANTITY! I have some people that will submit a lot of stuff and it will not be a high quality at all. I will no longer take these submissions, if you are not going to take any effort and expect a DSS then you are wrong.

  5. OBELISK/SITH; When you submit any screen shots NAME THEM. I will not accept anything named shot001, shot002, ect… Use the naming system above and think of something creative. Like you got to guys standing like they are about to draw gun in the wild west then name it (name-wildwestdraw). It is not that hard and it shows me you put some thought into it.

  6. When you wish to contribute anything to the Dark Voice send all items to KAP Korbane Ashoka at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Be sure to put the Subject as ‘Dark Voice Submission’ I will no longer take fwd. E-mails. It only takes a second to send it to me personally.

  7. If you submit to a competition and submit to the Dark Voice afterwards then you must inform me if you won a medal from the previous competition. This will exclude you from winning a Dark Cross but you will still be awarded a Dark Side Scroll. If you do not tell me and I find out… it will be bad. (This will prevent 'double awarding')

That is all the rules for the Dark Voice, I look forward to receiving your submissions!

  • Archpriest Korbane Ashoka, Editor of the Dark Voice

#006 - Coming and Going

Lets Start with Coming:


And now Going:


#007 - Awards and Promotions

Lets Start with Medals:


And now Promotions:

Acolyte Torral Darkstar.

Protector Illandian Hunt.

#008 - Kressh Training Run

Just a basic little free mission competition to give you all something to do. Almost over, get your pilot files in.

Start Date: 4-1-03

End Date: 4-14-03

Three free missions from each platform. The three high scores in each platform will be rewarded.

1st place - Crescent w/Emerald Star

2nd place - Crescent w/Topaz Star

3rd place - Crescent w/Quartz Star

*in each game platform

TIE FREE #194 - Quest for the Sith Orb


XvT FREE #56 - Treachery at Phare System


XWA FREE #32 - Attack on the SSD Avenger


Send your pilot files to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by April 14th.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>THE USUAL SUPSECTS</td> </tr> </table>


IRC Activity.

Drank excessively.

Flew XWA TC #33.

SBM Malik

Aedile duties.

IRC Activity.

SWL Tron Sadow

On Leave. (Representing HLK in Kuwait)

SBM Scithe

No Activity.

SW Carl Lost

Commander duties.

Master duties.

IRC Activity.

Flew XvT Free #2,125.

SW Den Darkhill

IRC Activity.

SW Janos Silverwulf.

IRC Activity.

DJK Jack Stone

IRC Activity.

DJK Karim Sukkarius

IRC Activity.

DJK Sevren

No Activity.

JH Sancho

No Activity.

JH Phelan

No Activity.

GRD Uther

No Activity.

GRD Talon Karrde

IRC Activity.

PRT Ksian Qui-Soran

No Activity.

PRT Saber

No Activity.

PRT Dark Eclipse

No Activity.

PRT Illandian Hunt

Flew XWA Free #32 - Kressh Training Run.

ACO Torral Darkstar

No Activity.

House Mascot/Fred the Seal

On leave.

_NOTE: No Activity doesn't mean you didn't do a damn thing...It just means I just didn't see you do a damn thing :P

Also, if you don't tell me about it I can't report it._

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>THE SQUADRONS</td> </tr> </table>

Sapphire Squadron report: http://darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=3751

Diamond Squadron report: Currently without Commander.

Emerald Squadron report: Currently Closed.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>CONCLUSION</td> </tr> </table>

A boring week for Ludo Kressh, but some events have happened in the DB. Go to the main page to read the so-called future of the DB. We will wait to see what unfolds, but as of now, your drunken leader dosen't have any opinion on the matter and if any of you do email it to our esteemed CON and PCON privately.

With that out of the way, I will continue to run Ludo Kressh as before and we will just go on with our merry little house. I'm am currently working on a house operation, something a little different from the usual old boring comps. Until we find some poor bastard to lead Diamond squadron I have to put my squad comps on hold. I am working on a couple of projects for the house and I need some input from you guys. I need to know how many JK2ers we have who are willing to play some matches and I need some mission designers who are willing to create some Ludo Kressh style missions. So any volunteers contact me.

The house website continues to get completed. Next week I will release it whether I'm happy or not with it and then I will be bugging you all for things. :P

A pretty light week in my inbox, I would like to hear from you. Especially the persons who have the continued No Activity behind their name above.

That is all!

SBM Bob(Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

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