Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Praetorious Tetrarch Report:

-THE SKY IS FALLING DOWN!!! :P Not too sure what all the recent hub-bub means for the Clan, the House, or the Phyle, for the I'm not touchin' it! :P

-NOV Kael Malah'k ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) has joined the House. You are now a Praetorian Dominator, charged with the task of House Security. Welcome!

-Phyle roster holding strong at 10 Tyros.

-House Comp!

Sounds like a fun one, so make sure to submit, and git yerself some nice shiny stuff! :D Details...


Ode, poem or song about Alvaak. It must have a common theme with all 3 Houses, and must be minimum 30 lines long, submitted in .txt or .doc file.


1st place - Crescent with Sapphire Star (Cr-S)

2nd place - Crescent with Emerald Star (Cr-E)

3rd place - Crescent with Topaz Star (Cr-T)

Submit to:

Aseret ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Tiss ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Due date:


Phyle Mandate:

Profiles! Fiction! Poetry! Artwork! Thank you to those have submitted thus far - great stuff! :) And keep getting those profiles in! The template's at:

  • PraetoriouSpotlight *

This week: Wil Striker

Rank: Archpriest

Quote: "In Service to the Emperor"

Personal Facts: Blue with green eyes. Considered by many an aggressive negotiator and warrior. Father, Kol Stri'ker, was summarily executed by the Rebel Alliance for an erroneous charge of weapons trafficking. Considered outlaws by the Rebels, the Stri'kers took sanctuary on Correllia, and changed their family name to Striker. After the fall of Endor, Wil ventured to the EH territories, where he enlisted in the TIE Corps, encountered other Force-sensitives, and exacted revenge on the Rebel scum responsible for the murder of his father. Once a fearsom Sith, Wil recently made the switch to the Krath Order.

Learn more about Wil, and other fellow Dominators at: ;)


-House and Phyle roster updated to included Vaxx,

Docohan, and Kael.

-Bant and Tissaya have made a submission each to the

archives! :)

-Profile pages for Jeron, Vaxx, and Docohan have been

completed, with text and pics! :)

-Profile page for Kael added (w/ pic; text incomplete)

Until Next Week!

For the Empire,

KP Corde Aghasett (Krath)/TET/Dominatus of Alvaak [KSOE:KC1]


"Fight brave, die young, leave a good looking corpse"

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