Fellow Dark Jedi of Aleema,
the last two days have seen more turmoil than the DB otherwise sees in a year. You've all got a personal mail about that, so I won't have to reiterate here. I'm sure you all got a lot of things to say about that business and I'm waiting for the comments, be it as replies to that mail or be it as entries to the Clan competition set up to help everyone cope with this event:
Upon public request and an excellent idea by PRT Xehr:
This poetry event is for members of Clan Satal Keto to freely express
their feelings in the current phase of turmoil and uncertainty. Wherever
Aleema may be heading, its Dark Jedi will have to leave friends behind
and break loyalties that were a given to them as it has been precluded
to be loyal both to the Grand Master and the Grand Admiral.
Free-style poetry event, any style or format is good. Express your
thought in rhyme or free verse.
The main judging aspect will be your personal treatment of the conflict,
how you are making (or not making) the choice that has to be made with a
secondary focus on the flow of poetry. So content above form, but it
must still be poetic to count.
Minimum 100 words, no max.
Cr-1A for first
Cr-1S for second
Cr-1E for third
Deadline: APRIL 22, 11:59 pm EST
Submit all entries to KE Kaiann / [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Have fun and don't hold back your feelings!
(Note: You may compete in this competition REGARDLESS of which way you are deciding. If I wind up in the "other" DB than you do, I will inform your then-QUA that you won an award for a competition that was started before you left)
Now for a serious note (this has caused some trouble today and I do not want to see it repeated):
I expect that if you are sending a note that you do not participate in a competition or activity for whatever reason, you send it to the ORGANIZER OR SUMMIT ONLY. Such things may demotivate others from even trying if posted in public because they might thing the activity is not worth it. Next one to post such a thing over the list will lose one competition credit towards promotion as it detracts from activity.
I also ask leaders - yes, this goes for TETs, AED and myself - to refrain from fobbing off or criticizing members in public unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. It's bad for any member to be chided by a superior, but doing so on the list should be reserved for the rare cases it's absolutely needed to set an example. Providing anonymous criticism, like generally belamenting the low activity level of your Phyle, is okay in public as long as you do not target individuals by name or in an easily identifiable way.
And members: This is NOT meant to discourage constructive criticism. If my topics suck, by all means LET ME KNOW!!! The only thing you can get from telling me is a better topic next time! But please do it in private and keep some civility.
In general:
POSITIVE comments about individuals or their activity belong on the list.
NEGATIVE comments about individuals or their activity belong in private.
Remember these two and we'll get alone very well.
Also: If you got a problem with a member - any member, including myself - let me know. I can't sort out anything if I don't know about it. Okay ?
Good, now back to more pleasant things.
GJW awards: I have asked Tronsta to give me advance information about who has placed so I can get you those awards before hell breaks even more loose than it already has. If I don't have that info by Tuesday morning, I will award at that time, based on what I know. You will not be left in the cold with a missing medal you have worked for.
Speaking of medals:
GRAND CROSS for our Aedile, Dalthid! WWWOOOWWW!!!
The request was made by: DA Drako (Sith)
Reason given for request:
Dalthid, while relatively new to his position, has acheived a multitude of success across the board. Winning many competitions in his order at
DB-wide to Battleteam leader is only the success many see looking at his
record. He has gone that extra mile time and time again to show what he is capable of, resolving problems, being there for his house and even
changing his approach to situations. Once regarded a problem member, he
has learned diplomacy and the way to lead! For Services above and beyond
the call of his position, I wish to award the Grand Cross!
A Cluster of Fire for silent
Crescent with Amethyst for... uhm... that Kaiann guy, 1st in Interim 3
Crescent with Sapphire for Xehr, 2nd in Interim 3.
Ins, outs, ups:
UP for DJ...KP Selket KuroHyo Entar! Great work and congrats on this fine rank!
IN: NOV Elbwyn and NOV Koidyis Soilatus. NOV Elbwyn might be leaving again however, he's a Clone of another member and didn't know about the Clan rules for Clones and unfortunately, his primary personality is not CSK.
OUT: KPN Troutrooper (went Rogue due to his Intel allegiance, thus wants to stay out of this EH vs DB business)
ACO Jerod Ashrand. At least he passed a SA course in his 7 days with us.
Remember your Phyle competitions! Even and especially in this time, taking part in a good competition is the best you can do. And remember: Those others might not take part, so... you may place just that much higher!
That's it for this rather... interesting! week. Go Aleemans! (wherever you may go)
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