House Aleema Standing Order #1 - Dealing with the split
I don't like to hand out orders, but this one needs to be addressed in a clear fashion and I don't want anyone to misunderstand (forgive me the use of formal text here, but I believe this needs saying):
In order to not further aggravate the situation between the Brotherhood and the Emperor's Hammer, the following guidelines are placed upon this House:
(1) No member of Aleema will, in a public forum, make defamatory comments about any faction, be it the Firefox supporters or the Ronin supporters or any other.
(2) Moderate, unoffensive irony or humor in an artistic / literary setting (i.e. Krathish work, runons) is permissible and fun. So is factual criticism and the voicing of opinions in an unoffensive manner ("I think Ronin was wrong to do XXX because YYY" is perfectly legitimate!)
(3) All members of Aleema will accept and support the choices other members made and will, to their maximum capability, ensure these choices do not cause the member to lose any honors or standing.
(4) All competitions started for Aleema before today are explicitly open to both DB Aleemans and EH Aleemans. They will be judged by their respective initiator(s) and medals due to those not in the same faction as the initiator will be reported to their then appropriate leaders with a notice they were earned before / during the split. The same goes for competitions made available by Aleema staff to the entire Clan. Further ompetitions will be open to those who are members of Aleema / CSK on the day the competition is announced, again regardless of their status at competition close.
(5) Aleema members are encouraged to keep backups of all their roster data on their local hard disk. Do not in any way attempt to edit the pages you saved - attempts to "improve" your rank or medal line by such means will beaddressed
by the respective judical system if discovered and (as you may remember from the EH HCI punishment against FA Starrett, this will usually have harsh consequences)
(6) The Aleema rollmaster is charged with creating a twice-weekly backup of all member pages (only the main roster pages, not medal reasons) Wednesday and Saturday until the situation has stabilized.
(7) Until you explicitly renounce your membership in the (Firefox-led) DB, you recognize the authority of the CSK Clan Summit and Aleema Summit as listed on (them currently being the only such summit as the EH DB has not yet developed to a point of having their own summits). Until you are ready to make a final decision, however, you are not required to acknowledge
the authority of any Dark Council members as rightful leaders. (Just please do not aggravate them either or you may find your decision made for you).
(8) Members found in violation of this order may be warned or turned in for justice, depending on the severity of infractions (not that I expect any).
The Dark Brotherhood and the CSK and Aleema summits are interested in a solution that will allow this club to stand as an independent entity working with but not under the command and members of the Emperor's Hammer. The above directives have been made in order to allow our leaders the best possible
environment to do so, our members the freedom to make their own choices whenever they want to and to react to any current developments in this matter without their possibilities being constrained by the possible loss of honors, status or rights duly achieved while under this command.
I do honor the decision of every one of our members and I strongly believe this standing order will allow Aleema to continue being an active and fun Krath House during these times.
This order will stand until there is a final resolution of this situation, at which point it will be rescinded as no longer necessary.
So decreed on April 16, 2003
Krath Epis Kaiann
Quaestor of House Aleema, Clan Satal Keto.
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