Obelisk High Commander Report


Obelisk High Commander Report

  1. Good to have OHC again, but I won't be giving some pansy acceptance speech. Most of you know how I am, so you won't expect it. :P

  2. I will be working with the also newly appointed SHW Predator on getting MP comps organized well again. They've fallen into collapse with the last few OHCs, and it's time to get them in good shape again.

  3. Many OHCs before me have been talking about Brigade League. Therefore, I'll continue what they started (probably very little in the way of progress with it :P), and begin coding a site. I'll be talking to clan and house summits soon to find out what their competition schedules are looking like. I'll announce a tentative date after I see what looks like a good time.

  4. The Obelisk site that was around during my time should be going up today or Sunday. I'm not sure of the url yet, but I hope to use http://www.minos.net/~obelisk.

  5. #obelisk is a great place to get JK2 and sometimes JK matches. I encourage all of you to frequent the channel and have some fun. The X access list should be pretty up to date, since I've been doing it myself lately.

  6. I will be hosting a "beat the OHC" comp probably once a week in #obelisk, where medals will be handed out. I need to hammer out the details, but expect to see more on this.

  7. I'm posting so many news items that I don't know if I've left anything out, so if I did then you'll see it in the next report. :P

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