House Kirleta Report
Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr
My Dark Ones...
Still waiting for the GJW final results. How long will they be? Who knows....but first there is a new DB to maintain, one that is free of the EH shackles and restraints. It has been a very interesting week, loyalties have been tested, friendships have been tested, Clans & Houses have been tested. Those who have a sense of honour and pride in thier Houses have remaind. Those who have favoured thier EH positions, which is fair enough, have remained with the EHDB to save these positions. To me, being in the EH was never about positions, it was about helping those who needed it. Giving them a voice when needs be, creating something for the ones under my command to do.
Some think its all about positions because the rank and power is attractive. These are the ones in command who have no reason or true guidence in thier bodies. I see my position as one of a guide, a advisor, a teacher, a friend, but most of all, a team leader! I see the House as a place of friends, a place for SW fans to relax and a have a laugh, a place to create and develop new idea's, a place for fun and overall development. This Team, This House, This Kirleta ;)
'And if we break down, the machine breaks down' - and thats something i cannot allow from any of you who have remained.
Through this crisis House Kirleta will deal and overcome it and move on. We cannot let something like this devide this House built on friendship and trust, we cannot let the vanity of the few upset the tranquility that IS House Kirleta. No my Bretherin, together we are strong! ;D
/me takes a short bow for his wee speach...
Anyway...on with the weeks news :)
Clan/House News
For all the latest DB news (i do suggest you take a look) visit:
CSK Homepage :
CSK Main Forum :
The EHDB - Was created by GA Ronin and SA Astatine to reflect this change. The reason for the DB split was the fact that our Grand Master - GM FireFox, was being pushed around by SA Astatine and his power being taken away from him and things going on without his consent. When the DB was first formed, by GM Kane Vader, he was the first GM of the BrotherHood when it was its own clan and known by another name "The BrotherHood of Dark Jedi". This proves that the DB was NEVER created by GA Ronin, but it was somone else's hard work.
We are now under the direct leadership of our Grandmaster & his Dark Council once again. Enjoy your freedom ;)
New DB Forum created! - : this has been created by DGM Jac for the Dark Brotherhood. Please all of you signup if you have not already done so. Its there for your benefit ;)
New Order of the Obelisk Website up and running! - OWL Sharad has found a new server for the Obelisk homepage. It has yet to be updated so that the new OHC is reflected on it and not Sharad. These are being worked on as we speak and should be ready soonies :) So we're sorted on that front folks :D Here the url for the site :
The 'Official' Stance of CSK as a Clan - Please read (again) this mail sent out by our Consul, DA Drako in the week :-
Jedi of Satal Keto...
I address you all to outline where CSK stands in this troubled time. No one could of missed what's happened recently to the DB as we known it!!??!!
Just to give you an Outline... Our DC have separated themselves from the Leadership of EH. That is they are now solely in Charge of the DB and are no longer responsible to Ronin or Astatine.
At this point... I know most of you are thinking... big wow:P This doesn't effect you much at all. Granted to many of you it won't, but everyone who is part of the EH in another Subgroup has a serious dilemma on there hands.
CSK is now part of the "separatist" movement. We acknowledge Firefox as our GM and the DC as our leaders.
If you have a profile in an EH subgroup, you need to make the decision as you whether you intend to stay here and risk it's removal permanently, in which case Save it for reference using "Save As" in your browser, OR Leaving the Clan as it stands here and continuing with the EH.
If you leave here, your profile will be made inactive but not removed. Understand that there will be no hard feelings if you leave, the change is big and Many of us leave friends in the EH, so it's all understandable!
Hope to see you all soon!! Don't all be rushing off! :P
DA Drako
House Activity.
None this week :(
OW Arso - CF
OW Reza - CF
SA Courses
None this week :P
OBM Gryffon - House Kirleta to Rogues (Come back soon!)
GRD Delak - Requested his profile be removed (Staying with the EH)
DJK Markr - Requested his profile be removed (Staying with the EH)
Good luck to all of you, stay safe and stay well ;)
PRT Exodius - Rogues to House Kirleta - Welcome back m8 ;)
NOV Nikko Streld - SA to House Kirleta - Welcome to House Kirleta :)
House Comps Update.
Direct from the Kirleta Comp Creation Team [KCCT]
Greetings all
Starting on the 15th, acouple of days, ago Kirleta started 2 mp comps; a jk1 capture the flag and a jk1/jk2 screen shot match if you have jk1/mots/jk2 feel free to take part in either comp.
In the ctf comp please sign up on the clan site ladder so it will make keeping track of scores easy for everyone. now you can sign up by your self or find a team mate & sign up as a team either way works just play some ctf in jk1/mots.
In the jk1/jk2 screen shot comp find a jk1/jk2 match could be 1-1 or an 16 person ffa just screen shot the final score and send it to Dufar & myself. One screen shot = one point. please remeber to
all screen shots.
now go find sombody to whoop on ,, maybe somebody from the "new EHDB" lol.
OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto
Well, Waza and I figured that with all the comps going on, someone should send out a report every now and then to keep everyone updated. Waza has his AED report to do, so he asked me to make the report. (Deep breath...)
Sorry, public speaking makes me nervous :P
Welcome to the first report from the Competitions Office. We currently have four comps floating around right now, so you should all be plenty busy.
Arania started a clan mini-comp: "Ten Way to Ensure You Will Never Be On the Dark Council." As long as you don't make negative references to individual persons (and YES, Ronin and Ast CAN be defined as people :P), you have free rein here. Submit an entry and make us laugh.
The JK CTF ladder is up. If you have JK, go to, go to the ladder section, and add your name to the list. I don't know how many of you have JK, but I enjoyed it (before I lost the CDs), espesially CTF.
The 2v2 JKO ladder signup is also up. Just reply to the signup thread at and you're in. Don't worry about unbalanced teams, Az is going to make sure that the teams are as fair as possible. This is a great oppertunity to learn from someone who is more experianced than you are, as well as a chance to learn how do fight as part of a team. Who knows, this may eventually lead to Battleteam vs. Battleteam events.
Waza and I are running a funny screenshot comp for JK1 and JK2 right now. While you can do individual submissions, we also encourage group submissions, as it is kind of hard to coax bots into funny postions :D Again, send us submissions and make us laugh!
Well, that's about it for now. Participate in these, and have more fun than a barrel of moneys in a banana factory.
JH Dufar Jabar (Obelisk)/TRP/Kirleta of Satal Keto
Good work guys ;)
Obelisk Comps.
Obelisk Arena
When? Monday's 3:00pm-5:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Clusters of Fire
Hosts: Primary: Sukuth - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK/JK2
Obelisk Vengeance
When? Wednesday's 6:00pm-9:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire
Hosts: Primary: Shaithis - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK/JK2
Obelisk Crusades
When? Friday's 7:00pm-9:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire
Hosts: Primary: Destavol - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK/JK2
OHC's Rampage
When? Saturday's 2:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire
Hosts: Primary: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Mark - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 1
OHC's Cup
When? Saturday's 3:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire and Crescents
Hosts: Primary: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Mark - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 2
DB Fight Club
When? Sunday's 7:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire and Crescents
Hosts: Primary: Vindoros - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 2
Dark Side Duels
When? 2nd Sunday of each month
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire and Crescents
Hosts: Primary: Sukuth - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Eoth Kun - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 2
Obelisk Madness
When? Fridays 7am-10am EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire
Hosts: Host: Selket - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: JK/JK2
House Reports.
See in the House Competitions section :)
Crimson Dawn Report
Three short things this week
Participate in the JK CTF (Jedi Knight Capture the Flag) thing for the clan. And also participate in the Jedi Outcast screenshot contest
Some thing happened were the Dark Council and Ronin & Ast got mad at each other, I don't know really whats going on with it or anything (sarcasm, laugh)
E-mail me and challenge me to a Jedi Outcast battle. I will be on leave this weekend, but after that I wanna start actively training and fighting with you all on a regular basis.
That's all for this week, make sure you eat your wheaties and play some Jedi game.
OW Arso Slyth (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto
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Clan minicomp - starting now, ending 27th at midnight EST.
Top 10 ways to ensure you will never get a Dark Council position
Be creative. Only one list is allowed per person this time. Please no references to the split ;-)
Mails go only to me, so people won't get discouraged if they have similar ideas.
Have fun all!
DJH Aishea
Good work Guys ;)
The Final Rantings of a Madman!
The House is looking strong despite all the moves and shocks this past week. Those who have remained are still willing to carryon with thier work regardless of whats going on. That is a great sight to see from both myself and Waz's point of view :D
On the Modding Front - Aaarrrrggggggghhhhh! I have been playing about with JediMod.2.1, mostly looking for Saber idea's so i can create some of our custom sabers (OBM+) and our standard ones. I also have been looking into our skins. I have a good idea for this and have done some experimenting ;) So far so good! Just need to work out how to use Mod View and Milkshape. Give me a month for results. There is alot to learn, but i will keep you guys up to date and get something out to you all asap :]
2 vs 2 Comp - I am working on the rules as we speak. Just need some of the finer details ironed out. Waza, Dufar and Myself have sent mails to eachother on this comp. When it is final a post will appear on the CSK Forum. Those who are willing to sign up for it to earn some medals should post below the post! Then we'll know how many people are willing to participate, and how many names that we're to pick from.
Odd one out - If there's one team that is statisticly very strong, basicaly a very exp player with Reza, then the weakest statisticly team will be given the odd one out :) Please wait for the rules first before any comments are sent to me. Rules can be ammended if needs be.
Kirleta Recruiter [KR] - With the departure of GRD Delak, this position within the house is now open. If your interested in this job, please send a short to the point application to myself, remember to CC Waza and your SGT (unless you are the SGT). It will be announced in the next report :)
Master - Student Program - Been thinking about this. If any of you wish to be mentored whilst in the House, please approach one of the House member (longer standing ones are best) and ask. IF the merge is agreed on, please ask your new Mentor to send Waza & Myself an email so it can be announced. Those wishing to be Mentored by either Myself or Waza, please just email us and it will be announced to the House before hand and in the next report :) Please to make it easier, state your reasons why you want that person to Mentor you. I can approach someone within the House as a mediator if you so wish me too.
Future Members - I have been contacted by PRT Brat Stone, who has informed me that things are more stable. Sadly he no longer has Cable, but has bought a new computer and is waiting for it to arrive. This is good news! Always be on the lookout for people maybe even Rogues who want to become active again. But PLEASE make sure you state that in the New Kirleta, everyone is active and participates as much as possible! We need to keep a good steady level of activity up and maintain it ;)
Well...thats enough ranting from me. Good work folks, the House is looking strong, stable and active, and thats good enough for me ;)
Until next time, take care of yourselves and eachother! ;)
Respectfully Submitted
OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto.
"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est"
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