MP comps are running without any flaws so far. Participation has been low, but I expect that to increase as everyone settles back into things again. A channel was in the process of being registered specifically for MP comps, but the application has been rejected. I shall be giving it another try and fixing all flaws with it, so that it will go through. In the meantime, continue to go to #obelisk for all MP competitions. Don't forget you can find the calendar here:
Seeing the low activity in MP comps is rather disheartening, so I have devised a means to increase the activity. This Tuesday at 7 PM until 10 PM EST in #obelisk I will host a "Beat the OHC" competition. It will be for JK2 only because I cannot play JK1 online due to my ISP. Settings will be random, and for this date the level will be Bespin Streets. I intend to hold a 2v2 "Beat the OHC and Staff" in the future, and alternate between the two competitions to get more versatile players. The object of the competition is simple. If you beat the OHC (me), then you get a CF. The player with the most wins at the end of the competition will win a Crescent with Ruby Star. I have set up a script to randomize the settings (nf or ff, sabs or guns). All matches will be played to 5 to minimize match length, so that more matches can be fitted in. Matches will be played in the order they are requested, and each player may only request one match at a time. The competition will end at 10 PM EST regardless of players waiting in line to play after that. And wow that has to be a record length for a report item. :P
One thing I forgot to put on the original report (if you read this earlier). OHC Cup will currently be the only tournament style MP competition run until I see good evidence that another is needed. I intend to host these all myself, so that they are run smoothly. Therefore, I am moving the time for the tourney. OHC Cup will now be held on Sunday at 7 PM EST in #obelisk.
I have thought a lot about the Brigade League in the past few days, and have come up with lots of interesting ideas. I posted a preliminary on the Obelisk message board. I'd like to hear all your feedback and ideas there. You can find the topic here:
The Obelisk site is up with a few key pages running. I am currently working on more of the admin features now, and will soon have more pages for public viewing up. Please be patient, and also go to the page so my work is justified. :P It's here:
Many of you may have heard, and many others probably have not. A DB JK2 mod is currently in the works. I have already created a few sabers myself, which are JK2 tested and work perfectly. Levels are also being worked on, along with a few skins. We hope to make this a new standard for competitions, and once released will continue to update it with all intentions of getting stuff in there for everyone. :) I think this will bring a good and needed aspect of RPG to the Obelisk Order, and I hope we can finish it in the next few months or so. I'll keep you updated on the progress.
There was a message board post in the Obelisk forum on possessions. I think this is a great idea. I really hope to incorporate this to its fullest in the future, and have every intention of making this work well. Right now however, I need ideas! Obelisk possessions are harder than the other two orders because we're kind of stuck in between. Sith have all the flying stuff and Krath have the artifact type stuff. Armor and stuff like that can only go so far in creativeness before it gets boring. Soooooo send those ideas on over to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and hopefully some of this will come together. :)
One last thing is the GMRG. Lots of people have been asking me about the GMRG. In light of other issues the GMRG has not been a primary concern to me. However, there is an idea that will be looked into for its future. Hopefully, the GMRG can be started up again, and finally be successful. However, I do not know when or if this will happen, so that's just my side of the story on things. In other words, don't bother asking me about it because it's still being figured out. :P
I'm so cool with my long reports. :P If you actually made it this far, then you're obviously Obelisk (cause no one else cares :P), and you're also impressive. Either all that or you must actually like my ideas. :P
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