House Kirleta Report
Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr
Greetings Kirletians....
I do appologise for the report being a day late. I was about to sit down and do it this time yesterday (when i got back from the Fiance's House), but as i got in the door i saw a flash of lightning! Yeah, you got it, the good old unpredictable English weather decided it was time not for reports but to turn the PC off :P Our weather has been hot and sunny one day, overcast, cold and windy the next. Saturday was a mix of the both :( Which did'nt sit well with me at all >:P
Anyway, there's alot of news to get through and announcements, so lets get it on! :D
House News.
For all the latest DB news (i do suggest you take a look) visit:
CSK Homepage :
CSK Main Forum :
House Envoy(s) - On the DB news page there is a call for Envoys. Now i did'nt want to put anyone forward as i'd rather you come to me and say whether you want to take the position. If you are interested, then go read the DB news page on the subject then act accordingly. Remember to CC the AED if you do want to put forward for the position.
New Vashino Website - OW Reza has made a new homepage for Vashino. It is (as he stated) a bit plain for the time being as he is working on some graphics for the page. Please update your url's to reflect this change :
House Comps - I just thought that i'd echoe something i said a few weeks back. If anyone has a comp idea, please do not keep it to yourself. Send your idea to the Kirleta Comp Creating team - Waza, Dufar & Arso. They'll help develop the idea with you and help get it off the ground :) Remember to mail the CHAN about what medals your permitted to award. It helps if you have a look yourself and see what you could use.
GJW Results - Still waiting for these. There has been no more news on a possible date for these to be released. So everyone is still waiting with bated breath. To be honest i just hope they are released before people forget it ever happend :P
House Positions update - Only the one from the list as of last week. With GRD Delak choosing to remain in the EH, Brat Stone has taken over from this position and is already getting stuck in :) Good form dude!! ;D
We bid a fond farewell to our CON - DA Drako sadly has left Clan Satal Keto. He is the new Envoy for the DB!! So congrats on the new position Oldie ;) A new Consul should be selected shortly aswell as a new PCON. But Drako will still be around, popping into the channel #csk when he can to spend sometime with us :) All the best in the new position Drak's again m8 ;)
New DGM - DJM Jac is now our DGM. Congrats on the new position ;)
New OHC - OWL Sharad Hett is once again the OHC. Congrats and welcome back to the position ;)
Thats it for news this week. It's been a mainly quiet one on the news front :P
House Activity
PRT Brat Stone - GRD
none this week :(
SA Courses
NOV Nikko Streld - Obelisk Core
PRT Brat Stone - Rogues to House Kirleta (Vashino)
NOV Bane - SA to House Kirleta (Crimson Dawn)
SW Talon Jade - Galthain to House Kirleta (Order change also, Sith to Obelisk)
none :D
Well done all! And welcome to House Kirleta those who have just joined :) Any questions you may have, then please contact me ;)
Comp Updates.
There have been no updates released this week :P Check last weeks reports for anything.
AED Report
Friday, April 25, 2003
Remember to play some jk1/jk2 & send dufar([Log in to view e-mail addresses] ) & myself your screen shots
Reza: 3
everybody else: 0
Our ranks have grown this week nice job Grd Brat Stone on the recruiting, & welcome all to house Kirleta feel free to use the mail list to ask questions & chat or send us the joke you heard at work today.
Also if you have skills in level editing hook up with AZ & help him make somthing or help him learn the in's & out's of editing I'm sure he'd love to have your input.
For anybody mildly interested; Star Wars Galaxies has some news on thier site about some open beta testing. If you can't wait for the release go check it out.
Go play & whoop sombody,, your matches dont have to be against peeps in the DB go to the zone or some other public server whoop them then recruit them!! ctf or the screen shot comp come on peeps go have some fun!!!!!!
OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto
Nothing this week
Vash SGT
Nothing this week
Unlike other reports, this one will concentrate on DB profiles, mainly on GoAs. I went through all the GoA listings and found not everyone eligible has one, also, some weren't updated. If you haven't gotten a mail from me about it yet, you probably will soon. My own GoA is in the works btw, in the snese that I am working on a picture for it.
Please make sure that if you were promoted since your GoA was done, you will have to ask for an update, since the field changes with rank (see the rank medals for reference).
People eligible for a GoA and not having one yet:
-myself (duh)
That isn't much, and I bet we can be the first CSK House to have GoAs for all eligible members!
HISTORIES: Make sure your history is up to date, especially with the recent split. I just updated mine as well. This is the perfect time to do it! If you need help, just ask.
On a sidenote - Dufar is looking for pictures of all of our characters, or at least descriptions, so he can use us in his writings. Some old picture of Aishea (not me! :o) ) is attached. By now, she has longer hair, and it's not curled atm. She also has a darker complexion now (I use another person's face actually, but there are enough similarities).
-- DJK Aishea
Obelisk Competitions.
Obelisk Arena
When? Monday's 3:00pm-5:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Clusters of Fire
Hosts: Primary: Sukuth - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK/JK2
Obelisk Vengeance
When? Wednesday's 6:00pm-9:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire
Hosts: Primary: Shaithis - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK/JK2
Obelisk Crusades
When? Friday's 7:00pm-9:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire
Hosts: Primary: Destavol - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK/JK2
OHC's Rampage
When? Saturday's 2:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire
Hosts: Primary: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Mark - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 1
OHC's Cup
When? Saturday's 3:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire and Crescents
Hosts: Primary: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Mark - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 2
DB Fight Club
When? Sunday's 7:00pm EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire and Crescents
Hosts: Primary: Vindoros - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Reza - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 2
Dark Side Duels
When? 2nd Sunday of each month
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire and Crescents
Hosts: Primary: Sukuth - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Backup: Eoth Kun - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: Platform: JK 2
Obelisk Madness
When? Fridays 7am-10am EST
Members: All DB
Awards: Cluster's of Fire
Hosts: Host: Selket - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
backup: Khaen - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Platform/Settings: JK/JK2
The Final Rantings of a Madman!
Yarbles!! Great big bolshy yar blokoe's to you ! Hehe...ok, good week for us. Nobody left, 3 peeps in. That is good :) AND i have heard there are more to come soon also :)
Waza was nice enough to ask if anyone of you have any editing or skinning skills to give me a hand making some skins. Anyone? It would be cool as skinning is both confusing and takes alot of time and testing. But good news!
I have created my skin for me in light armour. It will be released soon. I am now working on the 'Basic' Obelisk skin for everyone!! Yep thats the whole Obelisk order. Don't expect anything fantastic at the start as i am new to this. But it will be a change anyway for you guys. Here's a quick run down on the skin basics :-
Basic Obelisk Trooper.
Edited from the Reborn model.
Description - Reborn in light Obelisk Armour - 3 skins availiable.
Armour - Blue modified Jaeden armour (Light armour) + Red Armour for the Red team skin.
Model - I had to keep the hoods on for now. But i might be able to make some new SGT skins without a Hood. But the basic hood colour for the Trooper will be Green for the Default & Blue skin. For the Red skin the hood will be Black. The standard face for the Obelisk Trooper is the Fencer Face.
I was thinking of having a Yellow Hood for the SGT's so they stand out more. The basic face for the SGT's will be the Acrobat Face.
I will be editing/making a new skin in the week based on the Jedi model or the Jedi Trainer model. Whichever turns out to be the easier model to edit.
If anyone has any good idea's for the skin, please let me know. I'm sure i can work on a new angle for them :)
Anyways....thats it for this week. So until next time (week more like Az), take care of yourselves, and eachother ;)
Respectfully Submitted
OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto.
"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est"
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