Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Phoenix Phyle Report #1.5

As reported by

DJK Blade

TETs Rants- Hello My phyle and others. This week saw a little activity from me s TET. I have finals this week so most of last was spent studying.

What sort of Competitions does everybody want? I thought I’d ask and see what you want to do. I will be coming up with a few hopefully that you will enjoy, I don’t do a lot of poetry but I LOVE to write stories, as some of you may know. The fiction type comps I do come up with will have both in them so you will be able to get better at them, if you so chose to that is.

Web site status- right now I am working on a new site for us. I hope to have something up very soon, even if I have to go redo the old Brinkster one I had for the HoA phyle. Which is a good idea sort of.

Now on to the rest of my report…


None yet but I have a few ideas. Any you would like to see here just submit them and I will get back to you on them and all comps ran that came from your ideas will be rewarded.

DB Wide KMTs for May:

Krath story: 'Divided Loyalties'

You may write about current events if you wish, or interpret the topic in a completely different and innovative manner.

<4 pages 12pt TNR. Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by midnight 31st May.

Krath poem: 'Virtue'

Style - Free verse (ie poetry that doesn't have any specific structure or rhyme or anything).

Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by midnight 31st May.

Remember many of the Independence Games' events begin May 4th

Also if you enter, let me know so I can keep track of it ok?

DB News-

Bunch of new Reports on the news page, go here to read them

Ektrosis/Taldryan News-

Runon going on in the Ektrosis e-group, just hit reply and send in a part. It looks promising, as long as it doesn’t get too detailed about certain other online clubs.


None that I am aware of this week, maybe next.


Cloned One has transferred to Archanis. Of course he had to, can’t have two of the same person in the same house. For those of you who didn’t know he was me and I thought the name was actually cool and fitting ( Should have read my Phase 2 story!) :)


Not much at the moment that anybody has reported. I added a bit to the run-on and hope to add more very soon.

Tetrarchs Directives-

Be active. Remember why we have joined.

Report activity to me when you do something

Be active

Check in once in a while so I know you are still alive

Be active (See a pattern yet)

and most importantly, have fun :)


Krath Tetrarch Blade [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

Krath Tyro Anga Salinas [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

Krath Tyro Betja Jun [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Epis

Krath Tyro PhoenixMan [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

Krath Tyro Felix Major [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

Krath Tyro Aragorn Unteminar [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Epis

Krath Tyro Face Loran [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Final thoughts-

There has been a lot of trouble in the IRC and Message boards between us and the EH, we don’t need it and they don’t either. I hope that in time we can all just get along with each other and stay friends, I have ties in both groups and if you read my sadness email you know already. I will stay in both til I am kicked from them and if I am then I will devote all my time to Phoenix and Ekkie in general. My whole time in the DB has been about doing four things, writing good fiction, making Dark Jedi Knight, leading the greatest phyle in the history of online clubs, and having fun. I have accomplished all of these things now.

Please try to remember why we are here, to have fun. It’s not really fun if you go into the EH channels and all you do is insult and get insulted, at least not for me anyways. I try to avoid any mention of the ‘schism’ at all; it’s still too fresh for most people who ‘had’ to pick sides. Keep your head okay?

That’s about it for this week,


DJK Blade (Krath) TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan

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