House Qel-Droma
Aedile report #2
Dark Greetings!
Well in this week indeed many things happened. Some good (new members, competitions and stuff) some not so good (Strategos spammed MBs again) but well we keep balance, so. :P
Today I was browsing some old SW jokes pages, and some of them are hilarious, so, see below, and you will know what I mean.(skip that part if you don't like SW humour. :P)
Star Wars is actually exciting and fun to watch all the time, unlike some of the things mentioned above.
There is no equivalant to the death star in star trek.
The whole thing doesn't revolve around 'cards'.
The names are original- Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Anakin.....(must I go on?!) that to 'Montogomery' and 'James'. (LOL no offense JaM3z :P)
When they say something is going to come out, it comes out. (unlike the star trek movies and the new show which never come out!)
It's not called 'STARWARSMON' or 'STARWARSZ' or 'Trek To The Stars'.
Yes, some of the shows had good music, but nothing even comes close to comparing to John Williams soundtrack Im perial March.
Luke Skywalker could beat Pikachu and all his smelly furry little friends with a wave of his hand, i don't care what the hell they morph into.
The terms are original- hyperdive, repulsor lift, lightsaber, that to 'phaser' and 'Alpha Quadrant' and 'Deep Space Nine'.
Q vs a Jedi? Who wins? Oh, a Jedi easily.
still laughing :P
News !
Roll Master position is still open for applications! And it will be till sunday, when JaM3z and I will select the lucky winner, you have time to make your bets yet. :P
Xizor is our prophet, so he get from me new quest hehe :P He will creat for us Character Archives. He plans now how it should look like and what info will be needed (you better start working at it Xizor, I'm going to come with inspection to your office soon :P) Basically, we will need pictures of your characters (not RL pictures but your characters in DB, like my moon elf pic, not rl image, simple, no? :P) And some other data, Xizor will contact you all soon about this matter.
In this week we goodbye Korbane, I didn't know him well, but I saw his awesome work put into Dark Voice, he also was RM of QD by long time, all what he did for Arcone and DB won't be forgotten. Hopefully Korbane will come back to us, but lets give him time to think about his decision. Korbane, you always will be warm welcome here.
Now some good news. Two members arrived in passing week to QD! KP Kedara and GRD CP ! Both assigned to Prophecy phyle. Welcome again, I look forward to work with you both. :)
As for phyles. Dark Orb stands at 9 members, and Prophecy at 8. Not bad at all, however we could double our efforts and concentrate on recruiting, so we could open 3rd phyle in near future!
QUA JaM3z is on short leave. He's on some party (uh huh two days long party!! Go Jimmy!!! :P) so his report will be a bit late, I guess you may expect his report on Sunday or monday, but fear not, I'm here so if you have some problem which cannot wait just knock to my office.
To give you good example of activity yours Aedile, me that is, took part in Independence Competition :P So far in one event, but it was not the last one that I will participate. So I just want to give you lil hint.. take a look at Event #7. It's so easy. You must only write a ballad about Dark Warrior. (More about this and far more competitions below in 'competitions' section).
Dark Fury. You know what it is? Don't answer if no, cause you should. :P Hehe. In short this is new training program, set by Shadow Academy with help of SCL. I won't go into details, all was posted on DB News Page, so check it and scroll down if you haven't seen it yet, also I believe details are posted on SA WEB. So. :P Anyway, this is great help for Aprrentices, and it has everything common with Clan/House envoys, so if our envoy will be active enough we may expect arrival of new young Jedi to QD!!!! Yey!. Okay for rest DB wide news check DB News Page. I won't repeat stuff you can read elsewhere. :P (I'm such an evil girl :P) So, that would be all as for news sections, more stuff will come with JaM3z's report, I bet. :P
Worthy promotions! QUA JaM3z was promoted in this week to the rank of Archpriest ! (/me shows JaM3z secret hand shake of all KAP) so, congratulations boss!!!! That was truly deserved! :D
Also many congratulations go to Xuthen and Bograt, both were promoted to the rank of Acolyte!! You made next step at the Dark Side, and gained new knowledge and skills. The new powers you get and posses are Contort/Escape Accelerate, Healing and Hibernation Trance. Use it wise, and be careful not to addict yourself from that stuff :P Hehe, good job you two, keep up the good work!! :)
Competitions !
Yey, competitions. Alright, take another drink, it's gonna be long section of my report. :P So, here we go.
"New Home, New Beginning".
Still running, till sunday 11th. So you've got time to make your submission and get sone new, shinning Crescent with Emerald Star, and maybe even with Amethyst. hehe.. get to work !!!!! :P
TETs, kick some butts in need, but I want to see plenty of submissions from your phyles!! :P C'mon is so easy, decribe planet, or system of planets whatever, give some conditions of atmosphere, or make it more interesting adding some history of each planet, be creative!! Details here:
"Independence Games - Dark Jedi Olympiad".
As I mentioned above in news section, event #7 is pretty cool if you like write poetry, so go for it, if no, then you will find bouch of other events, involving every possible area even scripts writing, everything!!! Just go there and look for something interesting for yourself. Just to remind..Events submitted by your own beloved Summit.. :P
"Poems from Words" judge: No one else but our own and precious CON Mejas Doto.
"Prophet Competition" judge: QUA Jimmy :>
"Execution hour" judge: me.
Earlier this week I sent you list of competitions that we run, so I won't repeat all the details once again, you should keep it in your mind already. However, once again, here you will find list of all events and all nessecary details:
Just remeber for Palpatine's Sake to CC JaM3z and me with every submission you make, how else we will know what glorious have you done during the week. I believe you know how to turn on Roster and check our e-mails, yup I trust in your skills so I won't write is again here. :P
"Krath Monthly Topic".
Krath story: 'Divided Loyalties'
You may write about current events if you wish, or interprete the topic in a completely different and innovative manner.
Less than 4 pages 12pt Times New Roman. Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by midnight 31st May.
Krath poem: 'Virtue'
Style - Free verse (ie poetry that doesn't have any specific structure or rhyme or anything).
Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by midnight 31st May.
Another competition from Krath High Priestess. Yesterday I forwarded letter about it, if you lost it or something, details are posted on DB News Page, so go there and check. In case of any confusion, problems, troubles, eventual comments, anything, just tell me, and I'll help. You know where is DB News page located, no? Well, just in case.. it's here
Roster !
Pontifex Gilkane [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Pontifex Khobai Wrathraven [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Epis Anshar Kahn [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Archpriest D'hak [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
ArchPriest JaM3z Lucius Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Archpriest Tissaya Luna Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Archpriest Trent Sterling [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Krath Priestess Kedara [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Karan Callidus Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Xizor [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Strategos [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Derek Dewback [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Kandos Katarn [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Kris Omega [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Bograt [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Jandos Phyleus Kalinor [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Ralf "Griffinlion" Liorkins [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Xuthen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Final word
Alright, I think that all important info as for passing week. In case of anything, small or big thing, doors to my office are always open for you so just let me know if something is wrong, or if you need any help or simply want to talk.
Krath Archpriestess Tissaya Luna Entar
Aedile of House Qel-Droma
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