Master At Arms Report


Master At Arms Report

  1. The roster currently stands at 1221 members. That is even from last week's count of 1221.

  2. The following position appointments were made this past week:

JH Rekio Corsair (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum

OBM Ziguarath (Obelisk)/PCON/Clan Tarentum

SW Crix "Uberman" Madine (Sith)/QUA/Archanis of Taldryan

DJK freshjive (Obelisk)/QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan

  1. The following worthy promotions were made this past week:

KAP JaM3z Lucius Entar (Krath)/P:SCL-QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona

DJK JKast (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae

SBM Rexal Qel (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan

DA ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar (Krath)/SCL/Dark Council

DJM Arania Lawakiro (Krath)/TET/Aleema of Satal Keto

  1. Novice's can now request rogue to clan transfers via the member center.

  2. Remember you can send me email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

I can already name 2 people that you forgot:

DA ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar (Krath)/SCL/Dark Council (or isn't DA worthy enough? :P)

DJM Arania Lawakiro (Krath)/TET/Aleema of Satal Keto (you can't tell me DJM isn't worthy enough :P)

It probably wasn't in his mail, and as we know, anything that isn't in CoFo's mail won't get paid any attention :o)

Sorry guys. It was very late and I didn't go to bed til like 5 hours ago, litterally.

Yep Ara, I have to manually look up any promotions that. :-P

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