Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Proconsul’s Report – Clan Taldryan


·New Taldryan Consul! – Congrats Kir Katan!

·Independence Games still running

·Clan Taldryan system and planets are still being designed


·OBM SwipeR – Sapphire Blade - Star of Eos

·JH Shaithis Var’rek – Sapphire Blade

·OBM Shadow – Star of Eos – Cluster Of Fire

·OW Shadow Warrior – Dark Cross

·JH David – Steel Cross

·PRT Benevolent Whiner – Cluster Of Fire

·KPN Arion Sunrider – Crescent with Sapphire Star x 2

·DJK Anga Salinas – Crescent with Emerald Star

·DJK Blade – Crescent with Topaz Star

·KP Octavian – Crescent with Amethyst Star


·SW Rexal Qel – Sith Battle Master

·GRD David – Jedi Hunter

·PRT Benevolent Whiner – Guardian

·PRT Chronas Tenix - Guardian


·KP Kuat – Rogue

·KAP Raistline Majere – House Ektrosis

·OBM Ryell Zoith – House Dinaari

Courses Passed


PCON’s Thoughts

Glad to see some activity in the Independence Games. We all know Kir and are happy to have him as our CON J So we should be fine with carrying out his orders. Otherwise just stay cool and active – try to assist your house/clan on our system.


DB Independence Games’ Website

Ektrosis New Activities Page

Clan Taldryan Website

DJK Chamberlain (Krath)/PCON/Clan Taldryan

Rear Admiral Chamberlain {Ret.}

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