Hey, everyone.
Things are not going very smoothly here. So, let me just run down the list of affairs and things that are going on right now in the House.
1.) No one in the house is active except for the QUA, me. No one has responded to my mails. Only 2 of the 4 other members actually get the mails because 2 of the addresses are broken and send back send failures. I have heard that one of the two members that does get the mail is being transferred to EHDB. That leaves me with one pilot who is obviously not reading the reports or countless AWOL-check e-mails that have been sent. This is very disappointing and depressing.
2.) No one has entered the competition for house motto. Not surprising since I don't think any members are active.
3.) The website draft is not completed. I have no knowledge whatsoever of making webpages, and there has been no one willing to help, either.
4.) I want to work hard for this house, I really do. I have been charged with a great position, and an excellent opportunity to prove on a greater scale what leadership I am capable of. However, it is utterly depressing seeing that it is impossible to work as hard as I would like to with absolutely no pilots.
5.) My plan for right now is this: I am going to remove all HC members from battleteams. They will be members of the House without battleteams. Once they display activity to me, only then they will be allowed to be assigned back to a BT. I hope that could do some good.
This Week's Comp
This week's comp for me is the "Who Wants to be My Friend" competition. Honestly, I've been very depressed as of late, and the current situation in my House is not helping any at all. The drive for me to do work is quite there, and there's nothing more I want to do than to get this House running in the glory it deserves. After countless e-mails to rogues, visits to the Zone, surfing on IRC channels, looking everywhere for recruitment opportunity, I've come up with nothing, and this is degrading. There is nothing I have wanted more than a leadership position like what I have now, but what is a leader with nothing to lead? Also, school is ending, so I'll have more time now in the summer for DB. Really, though, the competition is for this: I guess what I need to say is that I need friends in you guys. There are many times when I'll be online looking at everything or seeing what's going on when I feel utterly alone and left out of absolutely everything. I stayed in rDB for the close comradery that I remembered. It's just not happening now. I guess I don't really know what I'm asking for, nor what I can do. That conlcudes my report.
In Darkness,
DJK JKast (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
{IWATS: SM/2-M/1/2-RT-AIM}
AIM: JKast87
Yahoo: JKast_87
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