Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

A short one this week.. I'll explain later.

-Phyle News-

Well, I'm into the third week. The AWOL deadline is up by now - I haven't heard from those who didn't check in. I'll be speaking personally to them later in the coming week; probably Tuesday. I graduate from Secondary School on Thursday.. Beer! Chicks! Pissing teachers off and shouting obscenities at them! (High School, to Americans.. ;-p)

Just so I'm giving clear warning - I'll be taking a LoA from the 1st of June 'til the 13th. I haven't decided on a replacement while I'm gone, but you'll know soon enough. I'll be sitting my Leaving Cert; which determines which college I go to. (Haven't a clue what Americans call that..)

-House/Clan News-

Our Consul, Mejas Doto, was promoted to DARK JEDI MASTER! Excellent work, mate - it's a while coming; you deserve it. Also, our very own Kris Omega was announced Rollmaster last week. Well done to her on the appointment. We've been without a RM for a while..

The NH-NB comp closes sometime around the end of May - a Crescent with Amehyst for anyone who enters.. can you afford not to participate?


The PMTs are up at the Phyle site; you know what they are. No entries so far, Jac's given his O.K to award medals. There's plenty of competitions going on at the moment; and like Tiss said in her report; there's something for everyone - get out there and be active! Tetrach's orders.

-Song Of The Week-

Metallica - New Song - I seen their MTV Icon.. if anyone's a Metallica fan in the Phyle; I think we can agree that the new song is pretty kick ass and if the new album is something along them lines.. it should be a return to form. It's a long time coming... :-)

-In Closing-

Competitions are everywhere. Get out and participate; it's easy pickings for medals and since there's so many comps, you can find something to take your fancy. Also, apologies to Bograt for 'spamming' accusations.. Dark Orb's got an MB topic over at : Check it out! It's crazy, people!


Dark Jedi Knight Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler (Krath) Qel-Droma of Arcona

Cr-1E-1S-1A {SA: G:P1-G:P2-G:LS-K:CORE}

Tetrarch of Dark Orb Phyle

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