Fooolks... it's report time!
First: AWOL check.
Yeah, I've decided to do one of these again. So far, Dalthid, Arania, Ziltopia, Xrath, Kendrath and Selket have definitely met the criteria to not be AWOLed, I hope the rest of the House will follow suit. Zilly and Xrath have however semi-retired to the House reserves (they're currently not in a battle team).
Second: Activity, activity, activity.
-Speaks for itself, I guess. Which event do you want to play today ?
Krath Monthly Topics... check Dalthid's concise and informative report for the details.
Exodus competition... ditto! What does he write this for if not for you to get your info from.
Third: Well done.
Dalthid has done great personal banners for each of the House members that I hope will now grace your messageboard posts. Show some team spirit (or angel)!
(I'm still waiting for the HRLD to approve my new sabers before I can use mine as it already contains the new combo... someone kick this guy into gear for me - thanks!)
Fourth: In and out.
In: KP Kuat
Out: ACO Dr Pepper.
Good trade, I'd say.
Fifth: Medals
Erm, I'd love to report some. I recommended one, but it's not through yet and apart from that, nothing on this front since the last report.
Sixth: Promotions
Dar en Kendrath, to Protector, on May 8.
And then there were some rumors that someone in the House got Krath Pontifex. Any detailed info is appreciated by personal mail.
Seventh: Shadow Academy
Two facts:
(1) A lot of you folks still has some SA courses they could pass
(2) The eclectic pedagogs (yeah, teachers!) are currently underworked and would like to grade more courses.
One conclusion:
Every Aleeman who doesn't yet have all SA courses passed should do at least one this week. It's not that hard. Oh, and I do count that towards medals and promos!
Eighth: Length of report
This report is already too long. So get active and spend your time entering competitions and passing courses instead of reading yet more of this report. You're herewith entitled to stop reading right h-
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