Hello all,
This is my first news post as SCL of the DJB. Im gonna state my primary goals and tell some other stuff that you probably dont care about ;-)
Primary Goals
- Fix the bug on the roster page of the DJB. It gives question marks at the rank column. I fixed it now, but it has happened before. If everything is right, it wont happen again, but I want to to make sure it won't happen again.
Looking for bugs and ask DB members what they think about what should change about the DJB website.
Im gonna try to add the IWATS courses to the ID-lines of the members and let it be displayed in their dossiers. I havent spoken with the rest of the Dark Council yet.
Accepting criticism in any form, (complaints, compliments, and death threats also) and using that criticism to improve the DJB.
Helping the DB to establish a more definitive mIRC presence. IRC is where it all happens. I think the SA has an obligation to teach people in the DB how to use mIRC. I'd really like to see more people come on mIRC at least a few times a week. So I want to write a Dark Jedi Brotherhood mIRC script, so that it's very easy to connect to the undernet server and it's easy to join DB related channels.
In the main news, you can click on the poster his name. By that you can e-mail the poster. But I want that if you click on that name, you'll go to his/her dossier, because the e-mail addresses are already in the menu on the left.
Thank you list
First, off course, GM FireFox and DGM Mairin Astoris of letting me have the responsibility for this website.
Further I want to thank: DJK JaM3z Lucius Entar, DA Mejas Doto, KAP Paladorion Teranioklon Entar, KAP Timeros Caesus Entar, GRD Karan Callidus Entar, GRD Xizor, KP Kedara, KPN Khobai Wrathraven & SWL E. Tarkin.
And I want to thank House Qel-Droma of Arcona, especially to the Dark Orb phyle.
I might forgot some people. Sorry about that
Praetor & Magistrates
I have appointed DJK JaM3z Lucius Entar as my praetor. Ive done many projects with JaM3z and were a close team when it comes to webdesigning.
I dont think Ill need magistrates for now, so dont send me applications.
Well. I think thats about it.
Krath Archpriest ^CyberGuy^ Praseodymium Entar
Seneschal of the Dark Brotherhood
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