General Information
Very little to report. I assumed temporary command of House Acclivis Draco, at the bequest of currently incapciated Quaestor Corde Aghast. Also, an AWOL check is in progress within Ebon Cloak Phyle, it shall end in on June 1st. Fifrty percent of the tyros have responded (keeping in mind, there are 2 tyros). Response to recruiting attempts has been mildly discouraging. Out of basically all Krath Novice and Apprentices in the Rogues. I have recieved 2 responses, and neither has taken any sort of action that I can tell. On the plus side, Ebon Cloak now has a new website, The site is currently just the front page, but its a start. As to anyone else in the House, I've heard nothing.
Tetrarch Protector Lorad Desmos
Began work on Ebon Clok Phyle's new web site
Started AWOL Check
Independence Game Event participation
Interclub Training Night Participation on May 17
Tyro Acolye Jordan McKell
Responded to previously mentioned AWOL check
Completed Shadow Academy Course Krath Grammar Studies
Informed me of particpation in one Independence Games event
Tyro Novice Jerroth Zakkorn
PRT Lorad Desmos (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae/DC/Cr - 1S/DSS
{SA: G:P1-G:P2-K:CORE-K:GS-O:Core-S:Core}
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