A good evening or good day to all of you out there in the Orian System and beyond. Hopefully the week has found you well.
As many of you are no doubt aware, Clan Naga Sadow had a while back opened up applications for the position of Proconsul. For this potential job, a number of our members submitted some applications that gave me a surprising bit of insight into each of them. Though, as ever, the call for applications requires that a decision is made. As such, our very own Takagari "Darkhawk" KogaRyu has been chosen to serve as my right hand man as the Clan's second.
Now, this normally would require me to open up a whole new round of applications to fill the then-absent position our own DH has held. Given a good deal of deliberation and weighing out the pros and cons, it seemed prudent to use the Proconsul applications to decide upon the Darkhawk's replacement.
And so, to that end this announcement will become a double announcement. Reviewing his application and finding him both willing and capable of fulfilling the requirements, Malisane Sadow has been appointed to serve as the next Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan. I am sure that he and Aedile Xuner Holst will lead the house of Dakhan quite admirably in the days to come.
Now, don't worry your heads too much, Sadowans. Though this announcement is brief, a report is coming, where you will get all the usually Sadow-flavored goodness and more you have come to expect. Watch for that in the next few days, but for now I wish you all the best in these trying times.
I remain as ever, Your Servant in Darkness,
Overlord of Naga Sadow
PS. As an afterthought, since I couldnt inject some gifs, memes, or something a bit more fun than just this wee text announcement I will try to crank it up in my report. For now, cheers to all you wonderful lot.`
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Congrats DH and Malisane!
Hurrah! Great choices. Excited to see where you'll both lead HSD and CNS in the coming months! :)
Woot! Wonderful choices all around.