Shusno System, Unknown Regions, Sometime ago…
Progress had been rapid to say the least. A seemingly never ending stream of freighters emanated from the surface of a teal and violet planet below. Each load of durasteel, quadranium, Nyix-alloy, and doonium was a meal that fed the behemoth’s growth. The skeleton of a hull had begun to take on bulk. A series of compartments had reached operational status. From within these, Imperial Director Tosten and his cadre of technicians could further nourish the actualization or Project: Firestorm.
Tosten sat at his desk. Under the uneasy propinquity of a Senior Logistics Officer, the Director reviewed summary manifests of incoming raw material and prefabricated components. His eyebrows furrowed with each line his eyes read. He could hear the officer’s stomach growling and gurgling with anxiety. That angered him more.
“Leftenant, these numbers are unacceptable.” Fitzroy Tosten seethed.
“Director Tosten, sir, we need more freighters.” The officer replied.
“Then, get more freighters.” Tosten lowered the datapad and massaged his temples.
“But, sir, the Emperor does no-” the officer said.
Tosten cut him off. “Leftenant, consider your next words very carefully…”
“Sir, he asks the impossible.” the officer protested.
“The Emperor has faith in the abilities of the Officers of the Imperial Logistics Corps. He asks only that you rise to meet a challenge fitting for your station. If you find yourself incapable of meeting the rigorous requirements of the duties of such an officer, you may tender your resignation…” Tosten turned the datapad and pushed it towards the officer.
The Officer’s posture straightened. He gripped his gray woolen cap, pulling it down tightly onto his head. He drew in a deep breath through his nose. Tosten half expected it to be followed with a sigh and a prompt signature of his release documents. The Logistics officer cleared his throat.
“You won’t be rid of me so easily, sir. ILC officers are a prideful bunch. There are some local vessels that are used to transport grains. They could be converted to haul craft with some slight modifications.” The officer contemplated if what he said could be actualized.
“There’s that fabled ILC ingenuity! See to it, then. Report back when the new vessels are active.” Tosten slapped his hands on the desk and stood up.
The two officers exchanged salutes. The Logistics officer scarpered off to see his suggested improvisation through. Tosten sat back down, alone with his thoughts and concerns that the protestations of his crew may be accurate. He sighed. The Director snatched up the datapad and commenced tapping away.
Minutes turned to hours as he continued to work through orders, inventories, and status updates. Time had a peculiar way of dilating under the duress of worriment. He swore he’d been at work for mere moments. He was interrupted by a dull beep. The built-in communicator in his office breedled again. It was a secure line. The holographic projector flickered a white-blue image before him. Tosten leveled his eyes. “I’ve been expecting this communication. The Emperor said your curiosity would get the better of you. Has he asked you to monitor our progress?” Fitzroy Tosten said.
“I do not answer to the Emperor…Nevertheless, I serve the Empire. You need my assistance, Director.” the voice answered.
“Shall I send a shuttle for you?” The Director asked.
An alert popped up on his datapad. Proximity Alert - Unknown Vessel. He snuck a peek at the alert.
“Ah, I see…Well, in that case…I welcome the efforts of all who would so generously give to the Empire’s cause. You’ll be cleared for Docking Bay 4. I’ll be awaiting you there.” Tosten said.
“Very well, Director.”
You can read the entire fiction here
Hello all!
This is a bit of an unconventional announcement.
The Palpatines have convened and brought forward an unusual nomination to bear the Clan title.
We're pleased to announce that Idris Adenn (aka Xen'Mordin) has been granted the title Legacy of Palpatine (again).
I will be referring to him as Xen for the purposes of this announcement.
While serving as Consul, Kamjin and I both sought to better preserve some of the long and storied history of Clan Scholae Palatinae. We observed a sizable omission from the things we celebrated. From February 2011 to August of 2017, Xen served as the highest level leader for Clan(and House) Scholae Palatinae. For six and half years, Xen did everything he could to lead the Empire back to greatness. He had successes and he had struggles. Whether it was tenacity or stubbornness that had him lead for so long, such a long tenure as Emperor merits recognition. As is the case for all Emperors, his rule came to an end. Where he stands apart from the all other Emperors is the lasting and impactful legacy he has had on our unit.
In his time with us, Xen lived, breathed, and bled for the Empire. In our long history there is not a single person who can hold a candle to the overwhelmingly vast impact he had on our Clan. Unfortunately, we lost sight of how special he really was. We seek to make amends for that today. This re-appointment is serving as a reminder to all members of CSP of Xen's enduring and overwhelming impact on all of us. It also serves as a "Thank you" for everything he contributed and sacrificed for the good of the Empire.
Here's a bit of a personal story, strap in. in years past I made a terrible habit of vanishing into the nothingness, only to stumble (quite literally) in to an IRC chat or Telegram for a short while, only to vanish again. Where I was and what I was doing during those escapades was not of the faint of heart and is best not shared in public forum. Needless to say, those periods were not filled with healthy living and glorious success. Most of it was quite gloomy.
With that said, during the majority of Xen's tenure in leadership, I was a wayward CSP member struggling through that thing called real life. Nevertheless, every six months or so, I would see an email make it's way to my personal account; not the one I use for DB stuff. It was Xen. The message was usually simple; "Are you alive? How're you?"
Xen cared about me as a friend and as a person. Enough so that he would regularly check in, just to see if I was "still alive". Looking back on that time in my life, I couldn't quite see the light of his friendship in all the darkness that surrounded me. But now, having come out of that stupor, what Xen did, above all else, is show his true colors. He is a man that is full of compassion for the members of our community. His emails weren't about how many competitions I could do if I came back or how great everything is that I am missing in the DJB. He was reaching out to me with the love and kindness of a friend. I am forever indebted to him for the simple gesture of kindness he showed. He's brought the same compassion and care to his time as Voice and the DB now gets to share that with CSP.
His emails would always end the same too. "Miss you."
Xen, we have missed you.
We are so honored to call you Palpatine once again. Your name belongs to be counted among the greats of our beloved Clan, this is the least we can do to show that. You are our mentor, our peer, our friend, and our Brother. Above anything else I have said here, we would like to say one thing: Thank you. For everything.
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Yay Xen!
Hell Yeah! Congrats Iddy
For the Empire and for Xen! Welcome home, brother. You always will be a beacon for Palpatines.
Honored to have it back. Thank you guys. <3
Well deserved, I think. Congrats, Xen :D
Congratulations Xen!
Very nice. ^^