A New Quaestor Emerges!


A New Quaestor Emerges!

After a brief application process was held, Lucine and I have decided upon a Quaestor for House Galeres. Joining the newly minted Aedile, Sera Kaern, in running this beloved House of Clan Arcona is none other than our very own Qyreia Arronen! Qyreia has graciously agreed to retake their old gig and work hard to lead Galeres to a brighter future. We look forward to seeing what Qyreia has in plan for the Houses storyline and future.

Please join us in congratulating this new team! We wish Qyreia and Sera good luck in their new roles, and we once again thank Junazee and Rrogon Skar Agrona for their time with the Galeres Summit.

Arcona Invicta!


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