Aggressive Expansion: A Taldryan Story


Aggressive Expansion: A Taldryan Story

Taldryan Proconsul Update

Aggressive Expansion: Chapter I

Command Deck, Victory I-class Star Destroyer Sidious
Unknown Location, Caelus System
38 ABY

“My lord,” bowed the captain once he arrived, “The crew just received a report from one of our advance teams. It appears as though a detachment has pinpointed its location, on Ostara. We can begin assessment and excavation of the lower levels immediately.”

The figure was silent for a moment as the vision of the future and their concentration broke free. The well-concealed figure slowly turned to face the vessel’s captain, mouth curling at the edges of a set of dark red lips and two blood-crimson lekku covered in black tattoos draped just over the shoulders. Nearly everything else, including the rest of her face above her nose, was obscured by the cloak.

“Very good, Captain,” she hissed. All was proceeding as she had foreseen thus far.

~~ Read the rest of Chapter I here ~~

A New Arc

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the beginning of a new arc in Taldryan's ever evolving story, Aggressive Expansion. Following the likes of our previous event Unsteady Ground, this new arc continues the direction of distancing ourselves from the Caelus Council as we search for a new location for our main headquarters - while simultaneously trying to improve our relations with the people of the Caelus System and stave off a new threat. This arc will be relatively fast paced, likely concluding just before or just into the start of this year's club-wide Vendetta-event for a little tie-in on our end. I hope you all enjoy the read, and stay tuned for Chapter II!

Zxyl Venzos
Proconsul of Clan Taldryan

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