Episode II: The Myrkr Crusade Begins


Episode II: The Myrkr Crusade Begins

Hey all,

Today kicks off Episode II: The Myrkr Crusade!

If you haven’t already heard, the Plagueians want to beat us to an artifact that is rumored to do some pretty big things. I don’t know about you, but I’m not about to sit around and let that happen. They’ve already beaten us once. So here is what we’re going to do about it...

Event Crawl

First, click on the image by A'lora below to take a look at our event crawl

COU-PLA Feud Crawler

Opening Fiction

Second, read the Opening Fiction by clicking on the picture Jafits created, below. The story begins from where our last Seven Pillars event ended and will continue our quest to unlock the secrets of the Whills.

COU-PLA Intro fiction

Team Writing Survey

Third, feel free to team up for this one. By taking This Survey, you’ll be put on a list to pair you with another member for our Event Long Multi-Objective competition.

While we encourage you to write with another member, if you can't form a team or we’re unable to pair you with someone, you can still submit to this. So there's that.

And finally, for those of you still looking for an excuse not to write, it’s EVENT LONG, meaning you have plenty of time to get something in. How do you like them apples?

In Closing

We hope you all enjoy this event as we are excited to once again take on Clan Plagueis. Starting with our Clan report, Aura and I will be super hype hyping, feeding you all sorts of links and cheering you onto victory.

Give 'em hell
-Revak Kur

Blood for the blood god!

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