The dimmer lights inside the Lambda class shuttle casually ebbed to life, replacing the sunlight that faded from the view ports as the shuttle entered the underground hangar of Fort Dooku. His heartbeat quickened ever so slightly as he was struck with the realization that this was the point that he was truly alone. Shimura had left everything behind on Aeotheran with Naga Sadow and Shar Dakhan, carrying only with him what he could carry.
He was jolted back to reality as the shuttle sat down in the bay with a subtle rocking. The hissing of hydraulics whistled the command for the boarding ramp to extend, dreary artificial light seeped and eventually spilled into the rest of the shuttle. Reflexively his right hand dropped to his saber staff still attached firmly to his belt as he waited for his eyes to catch up and see what he already had through the Force. He felt over a hundred individuals outside the shuttle, as he reached out to some of their minds, each one of them had been blank. As his eyes focused, he understood what he had felt, a company of pure white armored soldiers standing in full military parade. Thoughts of assassination attempts and betrayal crossed his mind as he knew all to well what Sith were capable of. I’ll have to be wary, he thought to himself while removing his hand from his saber, But not hostile.
He straightened his back, pulled his robes down from bunching up during the descent from space and began to stride down the loading ramp. The calm that he had forced into himself vanished for just a split second as he felt two very powerful presences snap into existence just outside the shuttle. The flicker of panic and nervousness vanished just as fast as it had come. The fanfare wasn’t for him, It’s an escort. No. It’s a show of strength. Dominance. He knew why he was here, he’d played the game before, And it’s only a matter of time.
As the glare faded away from his eyes, the four figures standing near the bottom of the ramp were unmistakable amongst the sea of white armored soldiers and crisp military uniforms. A yellow skinned Zabrak with black facial tattoos stood near the back. Marcus, my Aedile. Next to him was the red skinned Togruta. Tahiri, shorter than I expected - no doubt that has been her weapon to use to get to the point she’s at now. Slightly taller and in front of Tahiri, wearing a stark white uniform, was the lavender skinned Proconsul. Hmm, the competition, he pondered. At the forefront, in the same crisp, dark military uniform, except with no sleeves and more medals, stood a giant of a woman, a woman so tall, he was momentarily taken aback seeing such height in a near human. The mammoth Zabrak fell to one knee before her without uttering a single word.
"And what made you possibly think I had time in my very, very busy schedule for your fawning?" Ronovi jeered at him.
Shimura didn’t look up; instead, he tried to reach out to her mind telepathically but was met with silence. Without a cue to pick up on which direction to go, he responded as best he could. “Dread Lord?”
She turned to her Summit, various officers and the company of Ravagers and snapped, "Can someone please tell me who keeps letting the Zabraks in? Seriously, this is worse than when Darth Maul refused to die the first time."
The Battlemaster rose to his feet, contempt burning in his corrupted, golden eyes. Nobody moved a muscle. Nobody dared speak a word. Ronovi turned back around to face the Keibatsu, staring him straight in the eyes.
“Well,” she said bemusedly, “You do have a spine! It appears I did make the right choice for my Hand.”
“You won’t be disappointed, Dread Lord.”
“That remains to be seen, but know this, Keibatsu,” she said in a low voice, only loud enough for the two to hear. ”You may be a threat to me, but so was Darth Maul to Obi-Wan Kenobi. And we all know who won."
Without giving him a chance to respond, Liandry put her fist in the air and on command, the entire company turned about face, a second command from a line officer started the march out of the hangar, trailing the Plagueis Summit back into the bowels of Fort Dooku. A slight smile crossed his face as he watched the entourage march away.
Hey All!
Shim here. I know a lot of you may not know too much about me so I thought I’d introduce myself. I’m 31 pushing 17. My body feels 65 and my brain says I’m 16. Currently I’m an Assistant Manager at Enterprise Rent a Car. It’s the worst, but I may soon be on to greener pastures ($$$$). I just married my gf of 4 years two weeks ago and honeymooned in the American Virgin Islands for a week and it was absolutely amazing.
I’m an avid gamer and I’ve played what feels like every game under the sun. But by far my favorites were DnD and Star Wars RPG through the genesis system. I absolutely loved DMing for my players and creating an entire world for them to explore as well as creating plot hooks for their characters that kept them involved.
As far as my DB career goes, I’m fairly fresh out of rogues, coming back in May with a splash after a 15 year hiatus. Notable previous roles I’ve held were RM of CNS as well as QUA of Aleema waaay back in the old CSK days. The hiatus has been good for me, as it gave me a ton of time to mature and find my way back to the DB and help you all create something awesome.
Enough about me though! I just wanted to introduce myself and let you all know how excited I am to be one of your leaders! Feel free to drop me a line on tele or email if you ever need something!
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Welcome to Plagueis, my friend!
Never mind the occasional homicide by yours truly. ;)
Yay Awesome intro dude! Welcome to Plagueis!
Welcome to the family.