So this will be a brief report, and I’ll do a fiction and Stix Wars next month. But quite a lot has happened since last month.
First of all, OPERATION ANTIQUITY! has finished and the results are finalized. It was a fun event, even if not all of us got to contribute to all competitions. But a big shout out to these folks in HMR:
- Ciara (1st place)
- Hilgrif (3rd place)
- Muz (4th place)
- Koji (7th place)
- Xol (10th place)
A huge thanks to all who participated!
Second, HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE! I won’t embed the video in case people don’t want to watch trailers/etc.
Star Wars IX Teaser
Third, with Operation Antiquity out of the way, you can expect CNS to make some big, sweeping moves. We’re tired of living on our capital ships and wish to claim a home once again. If you’re with me on this, comment below. Let’s get moving, HMR!

Won’t somebody think of the newcomers!

So we had quite a few new joins the last week or two, and I hope they find a great home in HMR and the DB. Please welcome:

Mad Propz
And here we go with member contributions and rewards over the last ~30 days, including Operation Antiquity. Some good stuff here!
- Neophyte Ezra: Promoted to Neophyte, 1x Amethyst Crescent, 4x Comps
- Knight Hilgrif: Appointed to BTL of the Night Hawks, 1x Diamond Crescent, 1x Ruby Crescent, 6x Amethyst Crescent, 2x Sapphire Crescent, 349x Clusters of Fire!, 7x Clusters of Ice, 63x Clusters of Earth, 15x Clusters of Graphite, 2x SA Courses, 25x Comps, 1x Container Comp, 1x Bracket Comp
- Mystic Xolarin: 2x Clusters of Ice, 6x Clusters of Graphite, 1x SA Degrees, 5x SA Courses, 1x Comp Organized, 2x Comps, 1x Container Comp
- Battlelord Hades: 1x Ruby Crescent, 3x Clusters of Graphite, 1x Container Comp
- Battlelord Evelynn Wyrm: 8x Clusters of Earth, 1x Bracket Comp
- Warlord Kojiro Keibatsu: 1x Ruby Crescent, 2x Sapphire Crescent, 9x Clusters of Graphite, 1x Legion of the Scholar, 4x Comps, 1x Container Comp
- Augur Teu Buhkari Sadow: 1x Container Comp
- Augur Locke Sonjie: 16x Clusters of Earth, 1x Container Comp
- Warlord Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae: 1x Diamond Crescent, 4x Ruby Crescent, 5x Amethyst Crescent, 3x Sapphire Crescent, 2x Emerald Crescent, 7x Clusters of Ice, 9x Clusters of Graphite, 1x Scholar of Indoctrination, 9x Comps, 1x Container Comp
- Grand Master Muz Ashen Keibatsu: 1x Diamond Crescent, 1x Ruby Crescent, 5x Amethyst Crescent, 3x Sapphire Crescent, 1x Emerald Crescent, 5x Clusters of Ice, 6x Comps, 1x Container Comp
Let’s keep the action going folks, and more importantly have fun!

I'm in. And welcome to all the newcomers! Looks like you're joining us at an exciting time. :)