And so she shall have one.
With my promotion to Quaestor, this left Battleteam Voidbreaker without a Battleteam Leader. During my time as her Captain, one member of the Voidbreaker crew showed a strong connection and dedication to the ship, expressed interest in becoming more involved in leadership and running events for our members, and has just been a constant and helpful presence.
It is with great honor that I take my first official act as Quaestor of House Qel-Droma to appoint Mune Cinteroph as the new BTL of Voidbreaker!
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I for one welcome our new Floofy overlord/captain!
Congrats, Mune! Welcome to the helm!
Congrats Mune Mine! Best Fox
Congrats Mune!
congrats Mune! Don't forget to check fuel levels, I'm relatively sure your predecessor forgot to top up the tanks...