Just a few quick, though consequential, announcements as we count down the remaining days to the Pro Bowl.
The first is the return of Dracaryis to Clan Plagueis. I worked with Drac a lot over the years, both on the Plagueis summit as well as on the Dark Council, and there are few people that I respect more. Looking to give back to the Clan and the membership once again, Drac asked me if there was anything he could do to contribute upon his return. He is supremely overqualified for the position, but he has agreed to take over as Aedile in House Ventress. He brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to the table, and was actually responsible for basically single handedly running the first Pro Bowl back in the ye olde days. I couldn't be more thankful for his offer of service, and it's my hope that everyone here in Plagueis can get to know him on a more personal level as I have over the years.
On a related note, Drac's return leaves us with two former title holders having come back to the fold of late. Both Dracaryis and Alaris Jinn have made incredible and necessary contributions to Clan Plagueis in the past. Alaris was one of our early Consuls, being thrust into the position and steering the Plagueian ship of state through the tumultuous time when the Clans of the Brotherhood were reduced to Houses. The work Alaris did then, and the work done in our Clan since, has been instrumental in our continued success. Dracaryis, as mentioned above, has also made incalculable contributions to our Clan in his own right. Running the first Pro Bowl, serving as bar none the best and most valuable Rollmaster our Clan has ever seen. Both of these members have a quality in common: the see their positions in Plagueis as ones of service, not of status. Both of them are the finest examples of what it is to be a member and leader within our Clan. As such, the assembled di Plagia have voted to restore the clan titles to both of these returnees. Congratulations, and I thank you for your service both past and present.
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Gonna miss Drac in Vizsla but I wish him nothing but the best. Congrats to both of you on having your titles restored.
Well deserved!
Woohoo! Congrats to you both!
welcome back to the di Plagia familia