Just a couple of quick updates on a few things that are cookin around this galaxy of ours. There is always something brewing around these neck of the woods! With Halloween in a few hours I hope that you all have a good time. Please be safe and have fun get that candy! Trick or treat Sadowans!
Clan News
Club News
Final Thoughts
If you have not had a chance to see, HSD has a new Quaestor! Go check out his first report here. Then once you're done with that, head over to Marka Ragnos Quaestor’s report here. I look forward to see all the excitement the Houses will be getting into!
Welcome our newest member to the Clan, Proselyte Goil
The hunt for a PCon is still on and applications remain open until 5 Nov 2023. Check out the October Report for details. If you have any further questions please contact me either by Discord or email [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
GJW XVI: Transcendence Survey Take it!
Comps Dive in and make that XP!
We had a lot of happenings going on the last few weeks and I have to say, very proud of all of us. There will be a lot more opportunities for all of us to rack up the XP totals. Don’t be afraid to dive in.
Until next time CNS...
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