Race Results


Race Results


News: The Aeotheran Sail Skiff Race Results:

This event was a fun and exciting adventure waiting to see who would win all from your participation. Now the scoring system has been tested, I can modify it for the next pod racing adventure in future. Hope you all had fun, here are the scores from competitions and Roleplay word count to determine your winner.

Comps scores:
Failure to launch worth .25 all racers
2 participants

Regatta royale casio grand opening worth 1 point for selected racer
3 participants

Spilled drink worth 1 point for chosen racer
1 participants

Watching the race worth 1 point for chosen racer
3 participants

Missing crew member worth 1 point for chosen racer
3 participants

Role play grand total for every 100 words of participants is worth .15 points for selected racer
Quentin shadows backing Luna-Sea
Word count :1577
Bentre backing Wind Dancer
Word count: 506
Muz backing Ashen hawk
Word count: 563
Darkhawk backing Ashen Hawk
Word count: 386
Sang backing the Ashen hawk
Word count: 39

Total points from the Roleplay is
Luna-Sea 2.25
Ashen Hawk 1.2
Wind Dancer .75
Zorga’s glory
Long haul
Rum runner

Total points from the Comps
Luna-Sea .50
Ashen Hawk 9.50
Wind Dancer .50
Zorga’s glory .50
Long haul .50
Rum runner 2.50

Final totals: and racer positions!
1st. Ashen Hawk 10.7
2nd. Luna-Sea 2.75
3rd. Rum runner 2.5
4rth. Wind Dancer 1.25
5rth. Zorga’s glory .50
6rth. Long haul .50

The Ashen Hawk takes first place by landslide!

“I told you the Ashen Hawk would pull first “ Locke says very loudly as he breaks out in an even louder laugh “ YA, YA, I am never going to hear the end of this am?” is heard from Archpriest Quentinshadows over Locke's shoulder as the Archpriest walked up from behind him handing Locke a credit stick “ A bet is a bet here you go, besides I am sure I will win it back at the upcoming pod races” the Archpriest says before heading toward the exit of the observation deck.

Thank you to all participants, this was a lot of fun!
Archpriest Quentinshadows Questor of Shar Dakhan

Good idea Quentin, I really liked this concept.

Congrats to the winners!

Awesome! Fictions were fun!!!!

Very awesome little event! I really wish work hadn't picked up so much so I could have done more. :P

Very nicely done, Quentin!

Congrats to the WINNERS!

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