YT-1300 Emerald Dragon Landing Zone Yavin IV
Ashia took a moment to listen to the birds and hear the sway of the trees in the breeze around them. She let out a sigh and returned her gaze to the datapad she held in her hands.
“All the crates have been unloaded, ma’am.” The Proconsul winced at the title. She hated ma’am. She hated all of the military formalities her position required. She was nobody’s ‘ma’am’.
“Thank you, Sergeant. Let’s get the rest of these drones in the air.” The man saluted her and moved off.
“So where do you want me to put these…ma’am? Hehehe!” Sully chuckled as he set a box down nearby.
The Lasat turned around to find Ashia glaring at him coldly which only made him chuckle again.
“I hope this works and works quickly.” The Keibatsu commented as she looked over her datapad. “We just received word that the Collective are starting to stir again. It won’t be long before they kick the hornets nest and we have to move again on Telaris’s orders.”
“Ma’am! We have a problem. The scanner droids are dropping off. Something is taking them out.” The Sergeant spoke hurriedly as he trotted quickly to her position.
“How many have we lost?” The Nightsister furrowed her brow in consternation.
“About a dozen so far, but more keep going off line. It seems to be centered deep in the temple somewhere.” He stopped and waited for further instructions.
“Ah, Frell! Bentre is not going to be happy about this. Where’s Muz?” Ashia punched some info into her datapad.
“No one has seen Grand Master Keibatsu in some time, ma’am. It’s possible he’s in the temple.”
“Possible? Why don’t you find out for sure. We’re going to need him to figure out what’s happening to those drones.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The Sergeant scurried away from her for the second time that afternoon.
She looked around then reached out with the Force. Her husband had disappeared. Sully moved up to stand next to her. “What do you think it is?” He looked at her nervously.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like it.” The Keibatsu let out an exasperated sigh.
You can read the rest of the fiction here
Congratulations to the winners of Rebels and Ruins!
DarkHawk for taking 1st place
Ciara for 2nd place
Tasha for taking 3rd place
I would like to give a special shout out to Muz for assisting Bentre and I in putting together a successful campaign and writing the fiction for it. Thank you so much!
Thank you also to everyone who participated! Look for more CNS fun following the war!
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So Cool!!
I had a blast writing with Macron and participating. Awesome job all!
Well done everyone. I enjoyed it too Tasha!