Members of the Dark Brotherhood:
It is often extremely difficult to reward our Grand Master(s) and members of the Star Chamber. These men and women give money, time and energy into this Club and to all of us. And, they do it without regard. Without thought of reward. They do it purely because they want you, me, all of us to have a Star Wars Club that is free, fun, and available to all.
There's no way to reward a Grand Master — or the Star Chamber — without them knowing. Part of being the Grand Master is knowing everything that goes on within this Club. The caveat to that, however, is that the greatest reward that we — as members — can give is our thanks. And, it's something we can plan to give in secret, as a surprise. We want to do that now.
The Dark Council and leadership of our Clans have been gathering messages and heartfelt thanks to give to Sarin (Pravus), Mav, Jac, Muz, and to all of the members of the Star Chamber and leadership. We want to take this day and reserve it for thanks to them in regard for all the work they do for this Club; in regard for all the time they offer this Club, and we as members, freely; and for all of the money and resources that they give each month, which is certainly a sizable amount given more than a decade since the Split, when these gentlemen and their peers took the cost of all of this onto themselves.
Sarin, Mav, Jac and Muz; members of the Star Chamber:
We as members of the Brotherhood want to say thank you. We want to set this day aside as a Club holiday of sorts as a way to express rewards for you that only we — as members and friends — can give to you. Please take the time to read these words. You guys are doing an amazing job. We hope this feels better than any rank or Golden Lightsabers ever will.
Added Thoughts:
This annoying group of dorks/nerds has given me too much fun over the past 16 years to not give a thank you to the ones who have put up their RL money for it.
- Daniel "Seraphol" Stephens
To those who have contributed to the Brotherhood, you have my sincerest gratitude. This club has been one of the most meaningful aspects of my life for most of my seventeen years, and I cannot thank you enough for keeping this club running and providing us all with a vast wealth of opportunities, entertainment and companionship. This club has truly helped shape my life, having been a big part of my formative years, and I cannot sufficiently express how much it still means to me. Thank you.
- Denath Ciarus
Thanks guys.
- Yacks
No matter what differences we might have had over the years, I can never deny that you put everything you can into this club. I truly thank you guys for your time, effort, and all the other things you give us to make this such an awesome place.
- Arden Karn
You are all the driving force in this club. You make it fun to be part of, people respect you and you always do your best to make everything better for the club membership. You are all awesome and I applaud your commitment to the club and everyone in this mad place we call home.
Thanks to each and every one of you!
- Taranae Rhode
For myself and many other experienced members, we witnessed what it was like before the instigation of Pravus, Mav and Jac. We saw Muz, Raken and Taig in their stead, concluding their reigns and handing off their legacy to someone else. To the Dark Council, there could be only one replacement in the current Councillors; one far more great and more powerful (Insert Palpatine voice here).
The seat of Grand Master is daunting, overwhelming and not for the light-hearted, which is why an experienced hand was more preferable. And in came Pravus. Immediately from his ascension, Houses became Clans, all units have alignments in the Force, the use of NFUs were instigated, he recruited and appointed the best minds he could find onto the DC. Mav became Deputy Grand Master and became a wizard with data entry, releasing quarterly figures and quickly filling and inducting new Councillors. Jac sat blissfully in his office when Pravus came with a call, a call that changed his life, started a new chapter and rewrote what the Brotherhood was. Jac became Justicar, and his mission? To make the Brotherhood a fairer and null of legalese.
In the short space of one year, this trio of supernatural powers broke down our society and rebuilt it from its foundations. The Brotherhood you see today would not be anything without Pravus to lead and decide, Mav to teach and crunch, and finally Jac to serve and protect.
A simple thank you isn’t enough, but hopefully, with enough voices and heart, they will feel loved.
- Lexiconus Qor
Each of you has — at one time or another — had a very profound impact upon me, upon my place in the Brotherhood, and my views of what this Club is. And all that it can be.
From my very first hesitant interactions with Jac: Mairin had made me her Praetor (she being FF’s DGM at that time), and I was held over and got to slowly know the returning and somewhat legendary GM Jac Cotelin at the time of the Split. It was a feeling out process that turned into one of the few people in the Club I know to be completely honest, giving, and absolutely generous to this Club. From that first day, I have seen Jac as someone whose qualities I aspire to uphold.
My interactions with Mav were a more unique sort: if anyone was the “father” of Club friendships and alliances, it was you. You really fostered the RS friendship, the ICTE and more. Happiness, long-suffering adoration of our members and hours of giving to our benefit was your gift to us. It was something I tried to take into myself. I didn't always succeed, but I tried.
Sarin. Pravus. Aristan Dantes. Dude. There's a lot of names you can go by. I still remember our first conversations. I'd made a lot of friends and acquaintances coming from the EH, and there were a lot of people who came across that got to know me well. It was an opportunity that incited our friendship and acquaintance. And though not directly related, it did lead to another productive leader of the Club, and a giving, moving one at that. You make things happen. You expect nothing but the best. I aspire to this.
Muz gave me the Deathsaber. Literally, the single coolest lightsaber I've seen on the site. He started out as that “new kid” with an exceptional talent. He moved onto Herald and more. And he reigned as a long, long-standing GM. Your impact is profound. You've taught me that anyone can make a difference with just a good attitude and drive. Thank you.
To those of you who gave so much, and continue to help give the Club its life and vitality, thank you for your compassionate gifts you still give, even when we don't realize they're being given. You still make this Club “ours,” when it hadn't always been so. It's been more than a baker's dozen years since that unique moment in our history. Here's to the next lifetime of friends and memories.
- Beef
Many years ago, it must have been very hard to separate from the Emperor's Hammer and to launch a unique, standalone club. However, today, we have an amazing, complex organization. I know this would not have been possible without the Star Chamber and the people who keep our site and services running. Without our coders, without financiers, without the people who have always been here for this club, we wouldn't have made it this far. I'd just like to say thank you for giving us the opportunity to have this amazing community.
- Locke Sonjie
It's not often that we get the chance to say a kind word toward someone who actively keeps this club running in one way or another. Not without the air of awkwardness, at least. The club we are in today is the same club that I joined in 2012 but since then it is a club that enabled me to grow and in doing so also allowed me to fall in love with it. What we have is a community based around the liking of a science fiction series and when you think about it our club is amazing. In order to maintain what we have, the club needs it's site and servers — we should relish the opportunity to thank those members who keep this little bit of Internet we call home afloat and so, I am lucky enough to be given the chance to thank these people freely and I am happy to take advantage of that. So, thank you all. Very much.
- Cable (Darius Tu'kul)
When I joined the DJB 2.5 years ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. At first it was just a way to spend my internship time at the office and I wasn't really taking the members and the Club seriously. Now, after seeing the community and who leads it, I have immense respect for these individuals and would like to thank them for their many sacrifices and contributions to keep this Club running, functional and extremely fun!
- Darkblade
I've been in this club for 10 years now and many faces have come and gone, but one thing never changes. The dedication and handwork the members of the Star Chamber, past and present, have put into ensuring a club that's been part of my life and other’s lives for a long time exists today. So thank you for your dedication and commitment to the club and its members. Thank you.
- Opie (Ophelia)
I've only been in the DJB for less than a year, but in that time I've found a home where I can let my creativity be fully expressed and, more importantly, where I've found a group of people I can confidently and proudly call friends. This would never have been possible without the efforts and talent of the Star Chamber and for that I am sincerely grateful. Thank you all for what you selflessly do to make this possible.
- Aul Celsus
This club has been a major part of my life for 12 years now. It is a complex and multifaceted organization that takes so, so many hours behind the scenes to keep things running. And the real reason any of that continues to happen is because of these guys. Every thrilling competition, every friend made, every victory won, really happened because of this group decided to truly commit to the cause.
This work goes largely unseen, unrecognized. As members it’s easy for us to find the praise and thanks we earn from work in this club. For these guys, less so. For a bunch of hardcore Star Wars nerds, they certainly are really awesome. Thank you so very much for everything guys.
- Xen’Mordin Vismorsus-Palpatine
I may not be one of the oldest of members, but I've seen a variety of leaders in the DB, and the differences between them. Often times, the Brotherhood exists as a small-scale snapshot of society itself, with all the problems that come with it. It is the leaders that organize this small-scale culture and bring it in line. The fun and stability offered by all of you, whether through the Covenant or by facilitating the structure of the club, is something that is hard to quantify but has far reaching effects.
More than that, the work you all have done has provided the opportunity for friends to be made, and for skills to develop. For me, personally, I have been granted the trust and opportunity to lead in a variety of roles and offer up a small fraction of the content and guidance that you all have shown the club. What you do is so often thankless, and praise rarely comes.
Thank you all for the unseen work you do each day, the opportunities you have created, and the sense of fun you have instilled in this club.
- Atra Ventus
To the members of the Star Chamber,
On behalf of the Night Hawks and myself, I want to extend a thank you that cannot be quantified by everything that you do. I cannot even imagine what it takes to keep this going for all of us. To give all of us something that not only brings what I can only think of as a great place for fun and entertainment. But more so, an escape for us all young or old . A place where we can escape the daily grind and relax with something that brings substance to us all. We are not only a community of Star Wars fans but a community of friends that have been brought and kept together by all your efforts and time. For that, we cannot thank you enough.
So I say to you all personally, from all of us on Battle Team Night Hawks, thank you so much for believing in all of us, and the million other things that you all do to keep this going.
- DarkHawk
Now, I know I have not been in the Dark Brotherhood for nearly as long as many. I was not there to bear witness to the Exodus or to see the club evolve to become the wonderful construct that it is today.
I have only seen the tip of the iceberg. I have only participated in a single Vendetta and have yet to experience a Great Jedi War. When I first joined, my main point of contact was one guy in my Clan. Since that time I have managed to get involved in many facets of the club, from ACC to the Shadow Academy. I have met lots of wonderful people throughout the club, made new friends and reveled in the opportunity to interact in so many ways in our shared fictional world.
Even as a relative newbie, I can see the fingerprints of the Star Chamber all over. Without all you wonderful lot, doing work both seen and unseen, the Brotherhood wouldn't be half of what we are today. Because of you all this community has grown up, has thrived, and I believe will continue to do so for years to come. In my short time the DB has become another home of sorts for me online. For helping make this all possible I would like to humbly thank the Star Chamber.
- Zachary O'Maille, aka Bentre Stahoes
Without the Brotherhood, I wouldn’t have the friends I have today. When I was going through the worst period in my life, when I was stuck on the streets, one of the only things that kept me going was the thought of the friends I had made here. Without this club, I wouldn’t have the ability to make people look at me like I’m a weirdo when I explain I’m part of this wonderful and wacky gathering. For the memories, the laughter, the time I’ve wasted on the internet and the kind words directed towards me in promotions and rewards and the ability to see others rewarded for hard work. None of that would be possible without you guys. Thank you for allowing me and many others like me in the club the opportunity to be part of something we love. We may argue and bicker amongst us, but we all share that same obsession with Star Wars. I wouldn’t change it for the world.
- Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
I just wanted to stop and take a moment to thank the Star Chamber for their sacrifice of money and time to help keep the DJB up and running. Without your support, there would be no place where we could come together, have fun, and enjoy the many benefits that the club provides. I know that because of having the club, I have been able to make a lot more friends and get to know more people. I have had the privilege of becoming a Quaestor and helped to serve others in the club, been a BTL, made competitions, participated in a few events, and still look forward to the GJW and what will come in the future. As a fellow leader, I know for a lot of us it tends to be a thankless job when we work behind the scenes and I wanted to make it a point to thank each and every one of you. Thank you.
- Tasha’Vel Versea
There are moments in life that define your path so profoundly you can’t help but remember them forever. One of those moments, for me at least, was in 2005. When I first joined the Dark Brotherhood. Since then it has defined not just my hobbies and interests (writing being the primary of those, and I have improved so much through the years) but also my professional path. I started doing art and graphics in the Dark Brotherhood just by doing one “lousy” Shadow Academy course.
Today, I’m the Herald and I work professionally in the field of graphics design almost every day. To say that the Dark Brotherhood defined my path seems cheap and underrated by comparison, so when I say that the Star Chamber has my deepest gratitude for maintaining the Club, I mean it. This Club is so important, so unique and so open to all, that people can find opportunities in the strangest of places. I’m an example of that, and I owe a lot of it to you guys and this magnificent beast we can the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Thank you for keeping this place the way it is — friendly, fun and awesome.
- Vyr, Herald of the Brotherhood
The Star Chamber makes the resource commitments to ensure that this amazing community we call the Dark Jedi Brotherhood continues to exist and for that I am thankful and deeply appreciative. I've formed some great friendships, had Star Wars debates ranging from entertaining to annoying, and in my latest capacity researched and learned so much about Star Wars items in trying to bring an even better experience to members and give everyone more to talk about and do. It all comes back around to the members and community in everything we do, and the leaders at the top make sure it continues to exist and evolve. Thanks for everything.
- Evant Taelyan
It is hard to believe that such a small group of individuals can have such a far-reaching impact on so many people. The intrepid few of the Star Chamber (who give more of their personal time than should be necessary to an online Star Wars Club) are truly the lifeblood of this club. Without this club, I’d never have found anyone to game with, and very likely would never have finished my Master’s thesis. This club has become an important part of my life, and it is because of you all that it continues to grow and thrive. Thank you for everything that you have done, and for all that you will do in the future.
- Dracaryis Sunstrider di Plagia, Fist of the Brotherhood
To the esteemed few who have held the title of Grand Master (and you too Darth ~~ Perv ~~ Pravus),
I personally wish to thank all of you for your astounding ability to somehow keep our little big club of weirdos together. As someone who once made it her mission to hide away from people whenever possible, the DB taught me — very quickly — how to socialize with people in a manner that was far less obnoxious, while teaching me I could still have friends and be myself. I’m one of the lucky people who has made life-long friendships through this club and the people I have met here have, more than once, helped me through some of my darker times. For that, I have all of you to thank. Without you, your contributions and your hard work here, I wouldn’t have my little home-away-from home.
And Sarin, thank you especially for always making me feel welcome. When I first joined, the GM always seemed like an overbearing figurehead of admonishment or superiority, then you duck-faced in a hangout and I realized I had found my new online refuge. So, while I respect the work you do (in and out of the DB), I also really appreciate that you can be an excellent authority figure while retaining your humor. It gives me something to strive for when I come to take your crown.
<3 your favorite,
The last sixteen years have seen a lot of ups and downs in my personal life. A lot of triumphs and a lot of turmoil. Throughout those years, the one constant I could always rely on was the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The people in it have always been here for me - and that continuing community and cohesion is only possible through the thankless time and effort of the Star Chamber. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Eternally.
With Gratitude,
- Terran (Invictus, Mal'ari'carun, et al.)
(Preemptively: I swear I’m keeping this short, they said I could keep it to a page, it’s a page, don’t h8.)
It can be hard to find a home. It can be even harder to hold onto one. Not everybody realizes that, and not everyone realizes just how much it means, no matter how small a form that it takes, until it's gone; whether it's something as simple as an online guild falling apart, a game store closing, a roleplaying group's disbandment...or the readier losses, friends fading away, even passing, places changing, opportunities ending. There comes a time in everyone's life where they look back at whatever version of home they once had, after having been away, and realize that they don't recognize it anymore. If it's still there at all, it changed while they were gone, without it having mattered at all that they left. It is hard to keep a home. It is hard to find one. And it doesn't feel good to be without — to say as much is an understatement.
But when you do have that home, when you do have that community, those people, those faces or usernames that make you feel welcome, that let you have fun...that make it seem like regardless of who you are, there is somewhere in some small way that fits you, that wants you — that is so very precious and fantastic. So much so that I don't have enough words or rainbows to fit it! But in this much, I can speak for myself, and I think I speak for many other members at the same time: the DB is my home. It has given me more than can properly be expressed, certainly more than anyone would expect of an "online Star Wars club." You say that, and people not in it can't understand. It sounds silly, small. They don't know that here, in these Clans and these Houses, in this brotherhood...this is where you can do and be anything you want to be. Where, at any time from three in the morning on the east coast of the United States to late at night in a small corner of Europe or Israel, you can find a friend, someone to talk to, someone to game or write with. Someone who will see and acknowledge the efforts you make and take the time to help you improve yourself if you try. Someone who will notice, without you having to say a thing, that maybe you've just had a long day, and will try and put a smile on your face any way they can.
Hard times come with family. Drama — sweet Lordy, drama — comes with family. Madness comes with family. By no means is it all sunshine. But what this place is, unequivocally, is a a joy, a family, and a home. This club, to whatever degree, it changes you — will change you. It will change you. Somehow. Some way. Big or small. And I, at least, don't know where I'd be, what my life would be, or how much of the person I am now I'd be without that. For whatever else each of you may have done, for however much your involvement in recent doesn't matter. At one point or another, and still today, it was because of you all, who kept the light on, who kept the doors open, who kept the stove warm, that we all had a place to come back to, everyday. And how we all know we'll have a place to come back to tomorrow.
And for that? Thank you. Thank you so much.
-Best always,
Grand Masters are mysterious creatures. They serve hundreds of individuals without the expectation of reward. Often, more times than we care to admit, they sacrifice on several fronts — friends, family, financial — to keep our club afloat and trending in the right direction. They make tough decisions, they are constantly under the microscope, and they literally have the responsibility of fostering a relationship with every member of the club. What do they receive for this herculean effort? Snide remarks, second guessing every decision in the rearview mirror, headaches and heartache.
Personally, I admire our Grand Masters, because even on their worst day they are our best role models. They are symbols of progress, they foster an environment unlike any other experience online, and they ensure that everyone gets to be part of the process in one way or another. I could tell a story about how each Grand Master has done right by me, but I was told to keep this concise. Nevertheless, each GM I have served under has been a guiding hand, a supportive listener, and entrusted me with part of their club. For that honor, I could never be more thankful. Thank you, Grand Masters, for everything you do on our behalf. Thank you for letting us use this corner of the internet to explore ourselves and grow friendships. Thank you for having the strength to ensure it has gone so long and will continue to do so for many years to come.
- Braecen Kaeth
Grand Masters have an extremely difficult job. It can be comparable to being President. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Grand Masters have more gray hair at the end of their terms. You have a huge responsibility to the citizens of the Brotherhood. You sacrifice so much of your time and finances to ensure this club's survival. You can never make anyone happy. That means several people are upset with the decisions you make. We might not make bumper stickers that say "Save Us from Pravus", "Pravisn't: Not My Grandmaster", "Muz for the lose", or "Attack Jac", but they do have to deal with insults and remarks. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for someone to question a policy or decision in a public channel.
However, I feel we need to honor our Grand Masters. Nobody is perfect, but they are a symbol of our club and perform duties many would cave under the pressure of. "The shark that does not swim, drowns." They are constantly moving forward and pushing our club to reach our potential and find new frontiers. I want to thank each and every one of you for undertaking these burdens and shining under pressure like a diamond from coal.
- Ernordeth Puer-Irae
I would like to take a moment to thank all the GM's, past and present, for their hard work and dedication to the Dark Jedi. When I joined over three years ago, I thought that I would be active for a few months and then fade into the background and be forgotten. However, at the time Muz was running a series of competitions that caught my interest, and I wanted to see how things would end. I stuck around, got more involved, learned more than I ever wanted to about Star Wars and met a few new people. If you hadn't taken the time to be in leadership, this club, the first thing I have ever joined and wanted to be active and addicted to, would not exist to gather people together to discuss the finer points of the Star Wars universe.
Thank you to the past GMs for laying the groundwork that the current rules and traditions rest on. You accomplished an extremely hard task of coming up with the ideas that formed this club. You overcame obstacles that could have ended the club before it began. You orchestrated a break from the founding club and competitions to entice new members. Thank you to the present for continuing a tradition that inspires and promotes growth and fun. You are the reason that we continue to thrive and grow. All of your services are an inspiration to the future GMs and leaders.
- Riverche
Dear GMs,
Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for your work in the upkeep of the club and site. Without your generous efforts, I would never have had the opportunity to join, meet these wonderful individuals and community, and grow as an individual. The club has become in the short time I've been here a home, a welcoming group that one can leave for a few years and return to open arms. It’s an environment we can escape from the world, yet remain in contact with it as we are exposed to the cultures and lives of others on this adventure to build an overarching story. So, again, thank you. Thank you all for your contributions! I sincerely hope you continue to do so, as well as others stepping up to aid.
~ Zujenia
To Sarin & Previous Grand Masters (Also Sarin :P),
We're taking this time to thank you for everything you've done and continue to do to make the Dark Jedi Brotherhood the amazing place it is: your tireless nights and endless hours poured into keeping the club running, adapting to the times and giving your members years of enjoyment and memories to fall back upon.
Thank you for everything. Without your efforts, this extensive yet dysfunctional family of writers, gamers, artists and various others would likely have not ever met. Without this club, I would likely not be the writer I am today.
As a side note: Matt — If I met you in person, I would like to shake your hand and also thank you for your serving and continued service to our country. The fact that you manage that, your family and running the Brotherhood whilst still having time to sleep in a day will never cease to amaze me.
Celevon Edraven Erinos.
(AKA David Walter)
I came to the Brotherhood a few years ago seeking a creative outlet and maybe some new people to game with. What I found was a group of people who accepted me in my uncensored quirky glory and a supportive community who fostered talents I didn’t even know I had. I have met so many amazing people from different walks of life and around the world. This community means so much more to its members than a simple hobby or a forum for common interest. Real, lasting friendships are formed here and personal growth happens. None of this would be possible without the tireless dedication of both time and financial resources from the Star Chamber. Gentlemen, on behalf of all the members of Odan-Urr (including their crazy Consul) I thank you for all the long nights, heated discussions and money that you could have spent elsewhere. This small patch of cyberspace has enriched the lives of so many and will continue to do so for years to come due in no small part to your dedication and steadfast leadership.
- Turel
GMs + Mav,
I have a few things to say to some individuals, but also a general note to begin. First, thank you to everyone who helps keep this club running. The Brotherhood is a second home for me, and I honestly don’t know where I’d be in life without it. I’ve made amazing friends, seen people fall in love, seen old enemies become friends and learned so many different things. Beyond that, there have been a few important humans who have influenced my time in the DB in different ways.
There are so many things I want to say here that words kind of all trip over each other and create a big giant jumble. Sifting through that mess, I wanted to pull out a few key things I wanted to thank you for. Thank you for being my Grand Master. From the time that I became a Battleteam Leader to the time that I resigned as Consul, my career as a unit leader was directly tied to your term as GM. Thank you for being patient with me over the years. Thank you for trusting me with different things. Thank you for taking 2 hours on a Sunday afternoon to talk to me on IRC as I fought to get a member a Promotion. Thank you for all the time and energy sacrificed; all the decisions you made and hard calls you rendered knowing that you weren’t always going to make everyone happy. Thank you for helping me succeed as a leader and member of the club.
Also, thanks for making me swear of Irish Whiskey. I’m sure it’s saved me somehow in the time since that fateful night.
I have been working really hard on keeping things brief. I struggle with it a lot, as you know, and tend to get overly wordy and impassioned very easily. So let me try and do my Sarin impression that I’ve been working on for years.
Sarin. Thank you for everything you have given to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Thank you for creating an environment that is healthy, promotes friendship and inspires growth. Thank you for taking on a major attitude change at the top level that has trickled down to the rest of the Brotherhood. Thank you for making impossible decisions. Thank you for making decisions that others can stand around on the sidelines critiquing, but never have the will to step forward and do anything about it or to fight for change. Thank you for serving as a stone in the storm and for weathering literally everything. Thank you for keeping us a part of your life when you have so much else going on. Most importantly, thank you again for inspiring me and giving me an example to follow as a confident but fair leader. I know you probably don’t realize it, but the example you set has an effect on everyone: from your longest tenured staff members to the newbies joining the club for the first time.
How was that? Thank you again, Matt, for everything.
I’m so happy that I got to meet you because of an online Star Wars club. I’m happy that you took my derpy, kind of clueless eagerness and let me show that my work ethic could be used...just with some guidance. Thank you for sticking with me these past few years, for letting me work and learn from you and how you operate. Thank you for the random drunk GChats and rants. Thank you for always somehow being able to talk to me when I’m angry or upset and figuring out how to deal with me. I know it’s not easy, but you’ve been an amazing friend beyond the scope of just a leader I’ve worked to emulate in ways.
Thank you for the opportunities you’ve given me and the support you’ve rendered. Thank you for all the things you do for the club, and I hope you know how much we apprecaite it even if we argue with you over fake fictional rank names, or we have a different opinion on how the ACC works. In the end, we still know that we’re working for the betterment of the Brotherhood, and I’ve never seen anything from you that pointed otherwise. It’s endearing, and I am happy to be able to keep working with you as a friend and as a leader in this club.
Thanks Mav, you’re not the worse for the duration of this magic.
I’ll still never forget our first email exchange. You spoke to me at a critical time in joining the Dark Jedi Brotherhood as I’d just taken over Consul and was a bit on edge. Your words, wisdom, and guidance have held true in the back of my mind. Through the DCov revisions, I finally got to see you in action and it was awe inspiring. It gave me something to work towards, as I hope to one day be able to have the same respect, adoration, and downright talent to get things done that you have. Thank you for being a great role model, and for always talking to me when needed. I appreciate everything you have done, and remain hopefully and supportive of everything you will continue to do. Thank you.
Also thank you to Beef, for organizing this whole thing. It’s a great idea and I hope that we can do this again.
- Wally
Dear GMs,
"Your love and devotion to the Club is what keeps this whole operation up and going. I hope you take this opportunity to step back and look at the wonderful community of Star Wars geeks you have helped to build. Thank you."
- Korroth, ACC Judge
Dear GMs (and Mav),
Thank you for all the hard work that goes into keeping the club running. More specifically, thank you for giving us the opportunity to build an amazing system. Thank you for guiding and enabling and making the hard decisions, and thank you for giving us enough rope to learn and wander off on our own to try and forge our own ideas and help the system grow. The ACC would be nothing without the vision and risks taken by you guys, and we are all appreciate of it. On the character sheet side of things, you helped give us something special that we’re able to share with members. The oversight for improvements being allowed to be made has lead to better standards, better feedback, and overall leads to membership being happy. Happy members means expansion, and this club would be nothing without you guys always supporting.
Thank you from both our staffs. We appreciate everything.
- ACC / Voice Staff
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for all that you do for, and give to this Club. It never goes unnoticed.
- The Shadow Academy staff
A Frosty thank you for you Muz, Jac, Mav and Sarin, for allowing me and the others to be a part of this great Club that I’ve spent almost half my lifetime. You sacrifice means a lot to us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
- Frosty Romanae Tarentae
It’s been one year since I joined the Club and I didn’t even scratch the surface of its awesomeness. You guys make the magic happen and I want to thank you for all your sacrifice and dedication to keeping it happening in the future, too.
- Geosh Romanae
A long time ago in a far far away Galaxy, came Star Wars and then the Emperor's Hammer and then finally the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, without which i as a character would not be here, it’s thanks to all you guys for the Club as it stands today.
A fruitful and and colourful club as it is now, so i thank you for your support in keeping us going.
- Ceasar Grey Wolf BT
I believe that people come into your life for a purpose. I can say without hesitation that the names listed here fill me with awe and respect. Whether it was Muz always making himself available to talk to me when he didn't have to, to Mav humoring by talking about the occasional idea, or Pravus being clear and direct with handling issues, you've all had a purpose in my life.
Without this club, I'd have been dead 5 years ago. You've kept this place alive, and by proxy, me alive. I can never thank you enough for doing what you've done.
- Samael Ozriel
In the year and a half or so that I've been in this club, I've found a large group of friends that I can have fun with. I've seen many changes. One thing that hasn't changed however, is the dedication shown by the vast majority of the DB. And none are more dedicated to the Dark Brotherhood than Jac, Mav, Sarin, and Muz. Whether it be paying the costs to keep the website running, running competitions to keep members active, addressing the big issues that many may or may not be aware of, making difficult decisions about members, or writing a 52 page document for the club to look over, or the great many other things that these individuals do, all while juggling their real life responsibilities, it is thanks to them that this club continues to grow and thrive as it does. And for that, despite the fact that is impossible to do so enough, I say thank you.
- Blackhawk
The Dark Jedi Broterhood without you guys would be like an aeroplane without fuel. However tried, we’d still be on the ground and nowhere near greatness. All of you have lifted this club up and sent us soaring. Everything we cannot say with words you have expressed for us with great devotion. I bow before thee, Jac, Mav, Sarin and Muz.
- Ranarr Kul
I'm not nearly articulate enough to come close to all the heartfelt thanks that can be read above. Know though I'm just as thankful as everyone else. Thank you for everything you do, for this club, and for its members.
- James
Pravus, Jac, and Muz,
Quite simply, thank you. I could go on and on discussing the impact you have had on me both personally and professionally but there is little need for that in this instance. More importantly, I want to take the time to highlight your enduring dedication to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and the members who call it their internet home. Through the years the Star Chamber, of which you have been central, has served as a keystone to organizational success, weathing every storm and propelling us forward. To say we as members are appreciative would be a considerable understatement. More so, we are unequivocally indebted to and grateful for your passion and commitment to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Thank you.
- Monty
I’ve been a part of the Brotherhood since Muz was Grandmaster, and it’s safe to say that without you gentlemen this brotherhood would be dead. There’s not much left for me to say that hasn’t been said already. All I can say is thank you and we will forever be in your debt.
- Solas Night-Thorn
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And a thank you for Sith Bloodfyre for putting it all together!
Thanks you guys fir everything!
Thank you, all, and thanks for putting this together, Beef!
Thank you so much for your generous commitment to the club!!!
Bin'vah vah sir veo mir bah Raszi. Hah viz cart ch'a vun'ur ch'at raszah rob veo leadership
«Thank you for your years of Service. It has been an honor to serve under your leadership»
Thank you!
Thank you all for all your hard work. Yours is a thankless job, but all the comments, praise and thanks give testament to how much you mean to this club. You're all awesome and deserve all the praise you get :)
I'd just like to echo what the rest have said.
Thanks for all you've done over the years, guys. :D
Indeed, thanks to each and every one of you.
I'm somewhat new to the Brotherhood, but I can tell there is a great community here, led by excellent leaders. Thanks indeed for all you do!
Thanks for all that you've done to keep us afloat. It's been a grand six years for me, and I hope to see another six!
Thanks for everything you have done and will do.
Thank you so much!
Hear hear! Thank you all for your hard work!
Thank you all for the kind words, it has been our pleasure. No thanks was needed, but it was appreciated all the same.