Greetings programs,
Rian and Esca have decided to step down from their positions in the Herald staff. They will be sorely missed. their creativity and skill has defined the past two years in this office and I thank them for their service. Give them a pat on the back if you see them around. They deserve far more.
That said we're opening two positions: Praetor and Magistrate
Applications will be accepted until Saturday the 13th of January 23:59 GMT
What are we looking for?
- Basic skills in graphics manipulation software (Photoshop, GIMP, Krita, Illustrator, Corel, etc.)
- 24-hour mail turn around
- A Telegram connection and Trello access are mandatory
- Readiness to take on some of the most challenging graphics projects in the Brotherhood (#nopressure)
All of the above +:
- Readiness to work with the Herald on high profile projects for the Club
- Leading and organizing the team in the Herald's absence
- Motivating staffers and reviewing graphics for approval
- Reviewing and approving member's Avatars
- Reviewing and approving Graphics and Multimedia Competitions
- Patience and a willingness to learn from the Herald
- Willingness to give constructive criticism to the staff
- Leading and engaging with the Art community
Send all applications including a portfolio of at least 5-10 of your most recent works to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Thanks to Esca and Rian for their hard work for the club!
My time on the Herald staff was some of the most fun I've ever had in this club. If you have an art inclined mind and feel you may be interested, be sure to apply! Thank you for the great opportunity to be on the staff, Vyr, and good luck to all applicants!
I loved my time on the Herald staff. Its sad to see them go, but a fresh wind might do wonders as well. Thank you for your hard work :D
You both are amazing artist and will be greatly missed. Thank you for your talents, references, and mentorship.
Thank you Rian! Thank you Esca! ^^
Oh and good luck to applicants.
Thanks for all the work, Rian and Esca!
Goodluck to all the applicants :)
Thank you for all your hard work Rain and Esca. To all thinking about applying, working on hrld staff is an amazing experience I quite enjoyed my time as a magistrate.
Thanks to Rian especially for being there just to talk, etc. I know you are still here but thought this was a good place as any.