Chamber of Justice - Verdict in Case No. 61, DB vs. Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj


Chamber of Justice - Verdict in Case No. 61, DB vs. Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj

Members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood,

The Chamber of Justice has convened and issued a verdict in the pending case of DB v. Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj. Following a formal complaint and investigation, Andrelious was charged with one count of Cheating. After the Left Hand of Justice informed Andrelious of his rights, he pled not guilty. A detailed Verdict and Justicar's Opinion for the case can be found in the PDF file linked below. Please note that the written opinion is generally found on the page after announcement of the verdict.

The verdict was as follows:

Case #061 - DB v. Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj - Opinion PDF

  • One Count of Cheating
  • Verdict: GUILTY
  • Punishment:
    • Letter of Reprimand;
    • Loss of Credit for organizing "DB Flash Game Knockout 2019";
    • Three month ban from competition organizing or co-organizing.

Note that probation is not included in the sentence as it would serve no useful purpose in this case.

Comments on CoJ posts are left open for positive comments and words of encouragement to a member that has just gone through this hard process. Please be kind.

Signed and sealed in Justice,

Dacien Victae
Justicar of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

While it's always disappointing to see the Chamber of Justice being used, I think that it's important to not let this overshadow the wealth of good this member has provided in the club and I wish the member in question well in whatever it is they do going forward.

To whoever it was to brought this to the attention, I applaud you to keep things fair and sensible. I appreciate the work done for this case and I hope this sets the principle of fairness in future competitions (new or continued use of such).


Mistakes happen. As someone who has been CoJed for poor choices in the past, I know how tough it can be to overcome something like this. We live, we learn, and we move on. And we become better people for it.

very true Roni

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