Chilling News: A Frosty Warlord


Chilling News: A Frosty Warlord


Frosty Romanae Tarentae, the Rollmaster and Voievod of Tarentum, was promoted to the "epic rank" of Warlord (to quote our illustrious Grand Master's words). I can say with absolute certainty, Tarentum would not be where it is today without the hard work of a few solid, trusted leaders; Frosty is one of those few.

Frosty, we love and appreciate all you do as Rollmaster, and in making sure our Journeymen and new recruits find their home among the many faithful of the Clan of Life and Death.

Congrats, Iceman!



Congratulations Frosty!

Right on

Congratulations to my former master.


Congrats Frosty! Much deserved!

Thank you!

Congrats man!

You earned this!!!

Congrats Frosty!!!


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