Having just been handed the reins of Clan Plagueis within the last few hours, there is one pressing task that I'd like to jump right into right off the bat: finding my replacement as Proconsul. Teylas and I worked very closely to help keep Plagueis chugging along like the well oiled machine that it is, and I'd like to do the same with my new partner at the top of the Plagueis ticket so to speak. Often times in these searches, those coming from within the Clan are given a bit of a leg up on other applicants, but that is not the case here. All applicants, regardless of being within Plagueis or without, will be evaluated with the exact same metrics as all others. I want to bring in the person that I see as being the best one for the job, no matter where that person might be hanging their hat right now. Additionally, I would like to bring in someone to take over as Proconsul as soon as possible, so I'm not going to be waiting around to get the ball rolling.
That being the case, applications for Proconsul are open DB-wide until Wednesday, February 1st, 11:59 EST. The normal caveats apply, so I do reserve the right to close applications earlier than the deadline should I find somebody that really blows me away.
Proconsul duties will include, but are not limited to, the following:
- In-house activity tracking for the purposes of promotion and merit medal awarding
- Oversight and direction of House summit staffers
- Development and evaluation of subordinates
- Running and grading competitions as part of Clan events
- Participation in ongoing summit discussions
- Ensuring a positive environment within Plagueis in service of the goal of member retention
- Writing and publishing reports, especially special announcement/project related materials
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- An email turnaround of 12-24 hours under normal circumstances
- A strong real-time chat capability (Telegram is not explicitly required, but is highly preferred)
- Ideas for possible fictional developments for the Clan (or, for those outside the Clan, how your character can fit within it)
- Ability to mediate, work as a team, manage time, and problem solve
Preferred applicants will also meet the following criteria:
- Availability on Skype for scheduled summit meetings
- Prior leadership experience either in the Dark Brotherhood or elsewhere
- Proven ability to constructively engage and work with the MAA's office to process member awards
- Completion of one or more of the Shadow Academy leadership exams
- Be able to create plans to reach goals, not just talk about goals
- Exhibit the ability to find your own projects and self motivate as opposed to only working when given tasks directly
- Familiarity with Google Drive/Docs/Sheets
- Knowledge of the current fictional environment of Clan Plagueis (the wiki is a good place to find this)
Tips for applicants:
- I'm looking for someone who sees leadership in the same way I do: It isn't about power or prestige, it is about service. You're the host of the party, there to make sure everyone is having fun even on those days where you might not be. If you're looking to be awesome instead of serve the members of Plagueis and work for them, you're not the one I'm looking for.
- Don't be afraid to be honest about any shortcomings. Being up front means I can work to shore them up and have other summit members helping out.
- Keep in mind where you might be going: The last two Proconsuls of Clan Plagueis have taken over as Consul. This isn't just a stint as a Magistrate or a short tour of duty as Aedile. You could be looking at being the next one in charge, so I'm looking for an ongoing commitment.
- The Clan summit of Plagueis is often a place of strongly held opinions, so be able to stand up and state your opinion and support it. Also, be ready and willing to tell those around you when they're out of line, especially if it's your Consul. We can only develop better interpersonal skills as a leadership team if all of us are willing to be upfront and honest with one another.
Please email your applications to myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). There is no minimum rank requirement, as I'm looking for the person that can best do the job regardless of rank.

Your Clan is spelt wrong in your header...
It is indeed, and also in this context its 'reins' Slagar :) May put in an app myself lol
Psst...your signature is also wrong...
Lies! Lies and slander! I'm pretty sure the the "ies" spelling is the nu-canon way to spell Plagueis. Somebody ask Pablo Hidalgo!
Yay! Fixed!
Good luck to all applicants! :D
Good Luck to all the applicants!