May 14th was a tremendous mark in our history. Since our return to clanhood we have had the intimidating, dark cloud of probation hanging over our heads. It's not a pleasant state - knowing that your beloved unit faced closure. And it's something I hope no other unit experiences as the club moves forward to the new Star Wars trilogy.
Thankfully we received the blessing of the Grand Master and we've had our probation removed. Each of you is the cause of this, and I sincerely mean it that I believe this is a result of the efforts each of you have made in the trenches. Yet, our work is not done and I know each of you know this. Unfortunately, as my next report will detail, there are other concerns I personally am having at the moment and succession planning has become a priority for the Clan Summit. This has lead to a shuffle in our clan summit and I would like to personally and publicly thank Darth Aeternus for the work he has done to date. He's provided good, steady and reliable counsel for myself with the challenge of being Consul first time and I am thankful that he will continue to provide an advisory role on the Clan Summit. In turn, as of yesterday, Farrin Xies has been moved up to Proconsul - please join me in congratulating him: may the force be merciful on your future endeavors ;D
What this has done is opened up the Clan Rollmaster position on the our Summit. I would like to invite everyone to please apply, but preference will be given to Tarenti.
Please send applications to Farrin and myself before 11:59pm EST on Friday, May 22nd. We do, however, reserve the option to select early.
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Congrats Tarentum. Keep your momentum going.
Congrats Farrin, you'll make a great Pecan!
Also, thanks for everything you've done, Aeternus. We couldn't have gotten this far without you. I know we've asked a lot, and we all truly appreciate it. You're a class act, brother.
Wahoo! Tarentum Momentum!
And Congratulations Farrin!
Gratz Farrin!
As a Texan, I'm quite partial to pecans, so this seems like a match made in Heaven. Thanks guys! :)
Congrats Farrin!
My little magistrate is all grown up :P Congrats!