Combat Master Applications


Combat Master Applications

Greetings all,

Happy New Years, all! A quick announcement regarding Combat Master.

As many of you are aware, our Combat Master has stepped down. First, a special thank you to Atra, an incredible member and leader who has expanded the ACC in numerous ways. Atra has served the Brotherhood admirably over the last couple of years, and oversaw the largest ACC event in modern memory during the last Great Jedi War. Atra has trained dozens of judges from across the Brotherhood, and he leaves behind massive shoes to fill. As such, we will be opening applications starting today, and looking to fill the position in the next two weeks. The appointment may be announced as early as next week (1/11 or so), so please prepare applications soon for full consideration.

Combat Master is an important position that oversees the continued maintenance and expansion of the Antei Combat Center. Combat Master is considered a Tribune / Society Leader, and does not require a member to leave a Clan if they do not wish, but the position must be the member's only position of responsibility. We will be looking to fill the position with a competent veteran member that has extensive experience in the ACC. The new Combat Master should have ample ideas on expanding the appeal of the Center, as well as its usage in large competitions within the context of Vendettas, and outside them. The Combat Master is charged with maintaining a staff of trained Judges, and must regularly interact with the Dark Council, especially the GM, DGM, and Voice, to provide regular activities to members. The Combat Master reports to the Grand Master, but due to the unique nature of the ACC as a fictional activity, the CM must also keep the Voice appraised of developments and changes in the ACC and seek his advice on major decisions in the Center. The CM will also regularly consult with the Voice and Regent on issues related to Character Sheets and Possessions. As such, applicants for Combat Master should have a demonstrated ability to work well with members from across the Brotherhood and in the Dark Council. Character sheet administration (e.g. approval / maintenance of the CS system) will not be required duties for the CM and the next CM will likely not be involved in regular upkeep of the CS system save where it applies to the ACC. There will be amble opportunities for successful CMs to assist the Voice and other Dark Council positions in fiction-related aspects of the club as fits the CM's particular skillset.

Applications should be submitted to the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, and the Voice and should summarize the applicant's feelings on the current state of the ACC, it's direction, and how the applicant's approach will change (or not change) the ACC in the future. Applicants should summarize leadership and ACC experience as it pertains to running the Center. In addition, applicants should summarize immediate, short, and long term plans. We are open to many new ideas or additions to current operations of the Center - even radical ones - but any proposal should work largely within the current code that ACC utilizes, save where the GM and SCL have already been consulted regarding proposed coding changes. Applications are open to members of any rank, but significant experience in the ACC is a prerequisite for consideration in the position.

With that, I wish all of our members a Happy New Year!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Grand Master

Happy new year and good luck to all applicants!

The position is a lot of fun and you get the chance to work with a lot of great people, as well as help the members of the club improve in their writing.

Apply sooner, rather than later, and bring confidence and a plan! Good luck.

Thank you for all your hard work, Atra. Big shoes to fill. Looking forward to seeing those applications.

It was fantastic working with Atra, but as a fellow judge and then under his leadership as CM. The next guy has some big shoes to fill.

You will be missed, Atrapants. Know that my bucket-o'-tears will always be available should you need it.

Eager to see who is chosen for such a prestigious position, whoever it is I'm sure will be the best person for the job.

Big shoes to fill. Also, not sure if I said it before, but manythanks to Atra for his time in the position.

As people have said, big shoes to fill. Good luck to the applicants and thank you for your time and service, Atra.

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